I love your Big Dipper pic!!! Do you plan to go to a bigger lift, or leave it at 2"?
Thanks! Actually, rear end is currently lifted something like 4" (non-intentionally).
I had original leaf springs on the van, but they were kind of sagged so I decided to swap them out for S10 leaf spring pack... Which showed how much the old ones were sagged... So now I will be lifting front end as well, to level out the van.

Unfortunately in my case passenger side of the van was sagged about 1 1/2 inch when I got van initially and when front end was leveled out it almost maxed on passenger side torsion key. So to level van this time torsion key swap is required. I have all the parts for full 4" lift, just have to get time for that.
Generally 2"-3" lift seems to be what most people will need as these things are very capable. It's more about having bigger tires (preferably 31") for ground clearance, rather than huge lift.