Well, I have some catching up to do. For a while the Jeep was not starting as well as I thought it should, so I ended up getting a new alternator. It seems like it was a bit better, but not as good as it should be. Also, I had the battery die a couple times (luckily at home). I thought the issue was my Edgestar Fridge so I took it out. The next day I went to see my parents and took the kids. Got to their place fine. Left the kids there while I got a haircut: drove their fine. After my haircut I drove to the gas station, then back to my parents. All fine. Then when I get their, my father is there, and he never saw the Jeep and he wanted to. So then, it wouldn't start. Not a thing.
So, we hook up the battery charger and it won't fully crank. Also, I notice smoke coming from the battery. We disconnect it, put the battery in his truck, and go to the auto parts store.
Battery checks fine.
So, I grab a starter while I'm there. Go back, replace it, pop the battery in and a click. And apparently a arcing type of spark on the negative terminal. Then, no lights. No horn. No start...nothing.
We hook up the charger....gauges start bouncing. Lights flicker....stuff like that. I had grabbed new terminals at the store and replaced them. Then it was weak starting, so we tightened the connections more. After some trail and error of that, it started like a champ and has been fine for a few weeks now.
But, I now know the starting and charging system is all good and new now.

So, we hook up the battery charger and it won't fully crank. Also, I notice smoke coming from the battery. We disconnect it, put the battery in his truck, and go to the auto parts store.
Battery checks fine.
So, I grab a starter while I'm there. Go back, replace it, pop the battery in and a click. And apparently a arcing type of spark on the negative terminal. Then, no lights. No horn. No start...nothing.
We hook up the charger....gauges start bouncing. Lights flicker....stuff like that. I had grabbed new terminals at the store and replaced them. Then it was weak starting, so we tightened the connections more. After some trail and error of that, it started like a champ and has been fine for a few weeks now.
But, I now know the starting and charging system is all good and new now.