While I wait for more info on which spring to go with 650 or 700lbs
I decided I need to get my solar set going. I used to carry a portable one but it takes up room and time to set up. Since it would look funny with just a panel on the roof. I decided to do s basket as well. I really want to do an external type ladder rack but too much work and cost. Figure the shell already has an internal frame that I would just direct mount the panel and basket.
Ordered up an aluminum basket. It's pretty light duty but I was able to stand on it. (130lbs).
The panels has mounting hardware which works great for the basket as well so I ordered up two more mounting hardware kits just in case. Good thing because I ended up using 3 per side. I might do the Same for the panel and use 3 per side as well.
Still need to install the panel but I did get the basket installed. Decided to use nutserts. I actually got to keep the mounting hardware to stay within the basket for a clean low profile install. Probably 1/2 inch off the shell.
Still haven't figured out how to mount the ladder tho. Don't understand the need but I'll roll with it. Lol

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