# 24
(above) New week, new list...
(above) The first behind the seat table top will be an art project for later, so another piece of 1/2" Baltic ply is the foundation...T'nuts will be the bolt throughs for the brackets...
(above) 2x4 Fir sliced and planed...
(above) Culled and staggered...
(above) Surfboard skin secret revealed...Masking tape, stretched, is all you need...
(above) More tape pulls it tighter...The tape must be pulled to near breaking strength...It's an acquired feel...
(above) The taped panel is flipped and put on scrap cardboard for aerosol contact cementing...If it was a surfboard skin, I'd glass it with epoxy...
(above) The foundation is ready for contact cement...
(above) Then the veneer gets shot...
(above) Drop the ply on the skin and it's good...Guess where the leg goes...???...