I'm a couple weeks late to the party it appears, but I would concur with Brian that I will certainly never again buy a new Ford. We have a 6.0 diesel E350 from 05.
While we have not had the number of issues as Brian, we have had enough, and the reception we have received at the various Ford dealers we have had to stop at for on-the-road service has had much to be desired (All but one has immediately begun accusing us of using a tuner (we don't), said that warranty wouldn't cover the work, but eventually admitted the problem was in the engine from Ford, and sent us on our way (sometimes refusing to fix as "no-one wants to work on the vans").
A couple weeks ago we were stranded miles from any town when the engine went suddenly dead driving down a steep dirt road. Of course power-boost on brakes and steering goes out, and I find myself standing on the brake pedal with all my weight, pulling up on the wheel for more pressure just to stop. 40 mile tow (luckily we were actually on a "road" and I only had to hike 1/2 mile to cell coverage). Problem was a known-poor design part in the high-pressure oil pump. This whole system was supposedly replaced 2 years ago at another dealer due to strange noises, but this shop tech claimed that if the pump had been replaced the broken part would be the "new" design, and it wasn't.
So far:
- Stuck valve, engine pulled: head replaced
- PS pump horrid noise: replaced
- Droning noise: HPOP replaced, no help (and now perhaps it turns out they didn't actually do the work?), told us to leave. (turns out it was poorly mounted transmission cooler parts after head replacement)
- Broken engine mount bolts: Refused to address, said it was somehow our fault, turns out none of the mount bolts were torqued down after head replacement.
- HPOP failure, dead in water: Tow, HPOP part replacement
So far our turbo is the original and appears to be in good operational condition. We are near the end of the warranty for us, and now I am doing the research and changes to address known reliability issues that Ford will not address without a specific problem.