Very nicely done on your Mac Mini set up, I've been researching & planing on doing something very similar for our interior build out as well. But our set up keeps changing because of what keeps coming to market, everything changed again when the new Mini came out this last year. I really like how you installed everything very cleanly in the dog house, nicely thought out!!!! Killer Job!!! My problem is that I have to run everything from another point because the diesels run way to hot to place it in, or near, the D.H.. I didn't want to take that chance on having any issues because of the heat after going though all this work and expense getting this all set up & working.
Have you used it going down the road yet? Any issues with the drive jumping/picture quality etc. while driving? I would really like to talk to you about this in much more detail some time, we are getting ready to purchase and install our set up hopefully here very soon. I'll P.M. you if that's ok?
We are planing on trying to run 3 total screens though the mini & external drive, in theory, this will allow everyone to watch something different (with headphones) while we travel. It will also allow us to leave home the massive book of DVD's while on the road (which somehow, no matter how much you try to take care of them, they always seem to get totally demolished while traveling).
It's cool to see someone else doing what I've been researching, glad to see I'm not the only Mac nut on here with a van as well!!!
Again, Great Job, your van is coming out sweet!!!