...FOR SALE...
A SECOND CHANCE to buy the Hackney RV.
Its up for sale
today, due to work.
The short story is this: my wife and I bought this vehicle last year, waiting for the FDA to approve next steps on a Rx drug development project. At that time, life was in a lull. We bought the vehicle, sight unseen, newbies to this whole overland experience.
Fast forward 7+ months.
Since then, I am knee deep in a startup in Silicon Valley. Life has all but evaporated. Work approaches 70+ hours a week. Al there is … goes into this startup venture. Last September, who would've thought I would be this busy all week, every week. That weekends would be about collapsing half-day each Sunday. Unless, of course, we work through Sunday.
Upon our return last month, picking the vehicle up from Austin, the RV was parked at the local RV facility in NorCal. Now, I cannot see using it even for short trips, and long trips are out of the question. My wife and I vacillated to sell it. It offers so much value, at such a low price. I'll never be able to reproduce it at this price, once sold. But, I cannot see getting away from work in 2013, (even have to sell my BM tix I scored in the lottery).
When we bought, Doug and I chatted over the phone. I wired funds. Received a FedEx from him in return. Thats how I conduct my business, and expect to manage this sale (plenty of folks know us on ExPo).
First wire to post, buys it. Doug put together a really nice DVD that explains all about the operation of the RV.
When we picked it up, OMG, it was clean clean clean(!) Same today. Before we left Austin, Doug and I were eyeballin' the tires. Plenty of tread, but dry from age. He looked at me, I at him. Both stated they looked a wee bit tired and probably need to be replaced. 90min out of Austin the front driver's lets go. So we spent the night there and I overnighted 6 new tires. That night we had the best German food, plus listened to amazing live music. A little side adventure, on the road. Jeez, you never have such experiences, here in the tech bubble of Palo Alto.
Quickest way to reach me is: anil DOT sethi DOT usa AT gmail DOT com