2009 Chevy Medium Duty 4x4 Kodiak Ambulance conversion


While we are on the subject of wheels lets talk about balance, or the lack of it. Keep in mind the truck drives fine, it's not terrible by any means. I just have a hard time with it not being the best it can be.

I've read a lot about balance beads lately and not once have I come across ones this small. Do these even count? I originally told John he forgot to put them in because I didn't see them.
They were stuck all over the inside of the tire. Certainly nothing rolling around in there. Do you think these are doing anything at all. Looks like there were about 10ozs per tire. Doesn't matter much now, they have all been removed.

I've decided the main balance issue is that this insert is moving around while driving. Sometimes when going from 55 to 40 the truck just starts to ride like the tires are oval shaped. Crazy thing is, it doesn't happen all the time. When it does, it stops within a couple of minutes.

In this picture you can see how the insert isn't round and doesn't fit the tires inside diameter. Plenty of room for it to move.
My experimental solution, add bumpers to keep the insert against the wheel. There must be a part of me that just loves taking my tires off and pulling my wheels apart. I really hope this is the last time.
Now the inserts are in there snug and maybe I'm one step closer to smooth sailing.

To replace the beads I'm trying the centramatic wheel balancers. They fit perfectly on the front axle and are centered on the wheel.
The rears aren't ideal being so far inboard but fingers are crossed for great results.


Expedition Leader
Been following along on IG what a crazy misadventure thats been. Waiting to her what you think of the centranatics! Mine is good, but I think it could be a bit better, I can see vibes in my antenna.

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Been following along on IG what a crazy misadventure thats been. Waiting to her what you think of the centranatics! Mine is good, but I think it could be a bit better, I can see vibes in my antenna.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm really hoping for good things at this point. I drove it 20 miles yesterday and wasn't astounded. Need to give it time for the rotated tires to settle and get my pressures set before saying much. Does seem like a step in the right direction so far.


Expedition Leader
Also remember to give the centramatics time to settle when you start out. Sometimes it happens quicker than others. But should be fine after a few miles. I never ran them in the cold so it should be interesting to hear how they go in cold weather.

Are the inserts in your wheels manufactured by John or military issue.


Also remember to give the centramatics time to settle when you start out. Sometimes it happens quicker than others. But should be fine after a few miles. I never ran them in the cold so it should be interesting to hear how they go in cold weather.

Are the inserts in your wheels manufactured by John or military issue.
Not sure where the inserts were made. One wheel guy told me they were the less desireable PPE?? kind which expand with heat but I don't know. Thanks for the comment, I'll be very patient before I mess with the wheels again. So much work.


One day, hopefully soon, the off road world will learn to stop buying stuff from Stazworks. There are threads just like this one on Pirate that are at least a decade old. Being nice or helpful is not a solution to the problem here. This guy has had more complaints than your cable company against him and obviously has no desire to offer a quality product.

Glad to hear that no one was injured. I would file complaints with BBB, FTC, DOT, DMV, FMCSA, NHTSA and your favourite attorney. This guy should be making ball point pens, not wheels.


kodiak conversionator
hey tom got your email, on the road so just logged in for a second... and not on the road in my kodiak, just the jeep. anyway, got the tires, got the mrap wheels...all the parts, and finally got the inserts from Staz yesterday. had just enough time to slide one over the barrel of one wheel - definitely not round. at least i already knew to expect that and will plan to do something similar to yours to keep them centered. before i do anything though need to measure and make sure they're the correct width for these wheels.

for the centra's, i rattle canned one set black, going to put those on the inside of the rear wheel (or...outboard of the hub). one thing i'm unsure of though is if they can withstand the lug nuts being torqued right down onto them since they're such thin aluminum. was thinking the lugs may end up damaging the centramatics when getting up above 400ftlb's.

btw, totally impressed you made it through all of that mess with the wheels....on the side of the road....multiple times....on a long road trip..... and didn't lose your mind and set the truck on fire. .....totally...impressed!

so hopefully next weekend i'll try putting my wheels/tires together and maybe even mounting them so i can get it back on the road and finish it up finally.

happy giant feathered dinosaur day to all


hey tom got your email, on the road so just logged in for a second... and not on the road in my kodiak, just the jeep. anyway, got the tires, got the mrap wheels...all the parts, and finally got the inserts from Staz yesterday. had just enough time to slide one over the barrel of one wheel - definitely not round. at least i already knew to expect that and will plan to do something similar to yours to keep them centered. before i do anything though need to measure and make sure they're the correct width for these wheels.

for the centra's, i rattle canned one set black, going to put those on the inside of the rear wheel (or...outboard of the hub). one thing i'm unsure of though is if they can withstand the lug nuts being torqued right down onto them since they're such thin aluminum. was thinking the lugs may end up damaging the centramatics when getting up above 400ftlb's.

btw, totally impressed you made it through all of that mess with the wheels....on the side of the road....multiple times....on a long road trip..... and didn't lose your mind and set the truck on fire. .....totally...impressed!

so hopefully next weekend i'll try putting my wheels/tires together and maybe even mounting them so i can get it back on the road and finish it up finally.

happy giant feathered dinosaur day to all

Thanks for the kind words Jim. I certainly had my moments when I was in the thick of it.

I thought the exact same thing with the centramatics on the rear. I would have put them on the outside if I could get by the valve stem and didn't think they would deform with lug pressures. At least it's something that can be dealt with later without pulling out 36 bolts and re-torquing them. I'm all ears if you figure out a floating washer or some other way to install them outside.
Now go eat some pie.


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
One day, hopefully soon, the off road world will learn to stop buying stuff from Stazworks. There are threads just like this one on Pirate that are at least a decade old. Being nice or helpful is not a solution to the problem here. This guy has had more complaints than your cable company against him and obviously has no desire to offer a quality product.

Glad to hear that no one was injured. I would file complaints with BBB, FTC, DOT, DMV, FMCSA, NHTSA and your favourite attorney. This guy should be making ball point pens, not wheels.

How are companies like this still in business? Yet other small but great companies fail? <shaking head> Of course there are goofier things taking place in this mad mad world of ours....


Looks like I left this thread with a bit of a negative vibe. Here to fix that now. All is well with the truck. I'm down in Baja since mid January and the new camper is performing very well. The tires and wheels have had zero issues since the work mentioned above. I'm able to park where I want with the comforts of home. Haven't plugged in since leaving AZ. Only filled up with water three times now. Imagine that, less than 300 gallons in 2 months. Take that carbon footprint. Here are a few pictures from the latest travels.
Departure angle check!!


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the update, Tom. Glad to hear all is well. Stop by again if you come up this way this summer..
And two hours later, I am done. Read every word of this build. Very impressive. Amazing attention to detail and documentation of the same. Outstanding work Tom! I pray for inspiration and wisdom as I attempt some of the changes and enhancement you made on my Sterling Actera Fire Rescue Truck. I will follow you to the end of the world for updates and build guidance.


It was good to chat with you today Tom. I knew I recognized the rig and the story when we spoke. See you in May!


Excellent thread! Enjoyed every detail and love the build you made :) That kodiak ambulance looks like the bees knees, have to keep my eyes out for one.

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