Consumer Reports are a joke.
Why don't they show us a video of any other suv taking that turn at such a speed?
If anyone can find a video of them testing any other suv on that turn at such a speed I'd love to see the way they would like it to respond.
The truck appears to handle perfectly to me. I just bought my first suv, (a 100 series landcruiser) and I really hope that it would do the exact same thing in that situation.
The only other possible scenarios would be that it would understeer straight through the turn and off the road, or roll, there's no way it could take that turn at such a speed.
Also, a very minute change in the way the driver reacted with the steering would have made the outcome very different.
If I could, I'd bet that this is either a publicity stunt as it's pretty easy to take a stab at Toyota these days.
Or, they're getting paid by some people that sell suv's that aren't Toyota's.
If you're bored, I stumbled across these videos revealing what they did to the Samurai.
I'd be surprised if this isn't what's going on here as well.
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