2011 xterra low lift w 35s build and adventures


Got 3 of my tires today ( 4th one coming out of Cali) scored when I stopped by a tire shop to have 1 mounted on my spare wheel to test fit things and the guy happened to have a set of 16x8 with a +25 offset wheels for 200$ .... score !!

Initial impressions
With the right offset and the tire being a little skinnier than most 315s things are lining up fairly well in the front they clear all the suspension and frame under steering lock , I will need to take about 2” out of the wheel well to clear and some melting of the fender liner but so far it all looks good .
In the rear I will need to remove some of the bumper , notch the frame at a angle |_\ and replate it and maybe need a 1/4” wheel spacer and some longer bumpstops .

great thing is the tire and wheel combo comes in at 85lbs .

so I do have some work ahead of me but so far everything seems to be lining up where I thought it would be .


Active member
Already looked into it , at the most I would want to swap the diff but not really interested in the extra width of a full Titan swap . For that kind of width I think I’d rather swap to 1 tons and a sas

The width is a non issue, you will never be in a situation where 3" wider per side (over stock width Xterra) is a detriment. On the other hand, by the nature of 3" longer control arms there are many benefits including increased suspension travel, decreased CV angles, decreased body roll, etc.

Solid axle swap is 100% custom work, it's going to be expensive even if you can do everything yourself.

Titan Swap is literally bolt on, 0 custom work and the benefits are very apparent. You can do complete Titan Swap in an afternoon, it's stupid simple.

One of the main benefits of Titan Swap is a greatly improved ride quality and feel. It completely changes the driving dynamics to be much more sportier. Solid axle would actually send your ride quality straight down the toilet.

The use cases of Solid Axle vs Titan Swap are pretty different. If you want an amazing driving vehicle both on and off road, a Titan Swap will get you there, but a Solid Axle can't.

With that being said, I was planning to SAS my Frontier with a Dana Super 60 until things changed and I had to move. SAS definitely has its place, but I think saying something along the lines of "For that kind of width I think I’d rather swap to 1 tons and a sas" is completely wrong, because the width isn't really and important factor at all.

Anyways, I think you will enjoy the Xterra with or without major modifications, they are great vehicles.
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The width is a non issue, you will never be in a situation where 3" wider per side (over stock width Xterra) is a detriment. On the other hand, by the nature of 3" longer control arms there are many benefits including increased suspension travel, decreased CV angles, decreased body roll, etc.

Solid axle swap is 100% custom work, it's going to be expensive even if you can do everything yourself.

Titan Swap is literally bolt on, 0 custom work and the benefits are very apparent. You can do complete Titan Swap in an afternoon, it's stupid simple.

One of the main benefits of Titan Swap is a greatly improved ride quality and feel. It completely changes the driving dynamics to be much more sportier. Solid axle would actually send your ride quality straight down the toilet.

The use cases of Solid Axle vs Titan Swap are pretty different. If you want an amazing driving vehicle both on and off road, a Titan Swap will get you there, but a Solid Axle can't.

With that being said, I was planning to SAS my Frontier with a Dana Super 60 until things changed and I had to move. SAS definitely has its place, but I think saying something along the lines of "For that kind of width I think I’d rather swap to 1 tons and a sas" is completely wrong, because the width isn't really and important factor at all.

Anyways, I think you will enjoy the Xterra with or without major modifications, they are great vehicles.

I appreciate your input but 6 inch wider here in the pnw can lead to some big headaches . We have some ridiculously tight trails around here.


And I’m very aware of the ride quality of a sas swap , done or been involved in at least 10 that I can remember and as always with everything I know there’s a trade offs . But at this point I’m happy with the size of the xterra and it’s ride quality is fine for my needs . That will probably change down the road as do all project vehicles .


Next step is building the Fender support and tabs for holding up the wheel well liner , welding in all the holes , fixing the damage to the fender from the previous owner , paint and some edge trim to cover up the cuts ...... then on to the rear .



You, sir, have large dangly bits. I could not cut into my fenders like that.

It’s only sheet metal , worse case scenario if it doesn’t work I just have to track down a silver fender and a new liner . Now the back will be the bit scary part having to cut into the frame and do some re-plating.


Active member
It’s only sheet metal , worse case scenario if it doesn’t work I just have to track down a silver fender and a new liner . Now the back will be the bit scary part having to cut into the frame and do some re-plating.

Are you sure about cutting the frame? I haven't seen a case of anyone ever needing to cut into the frame to fit 35s, or even 37s for that matter. I didn't have any frame clearance issues with 35s myself.

The Xterra and Frontier community has a huge number of members running 35s.


Are you sure about cutting the frame? I haven't seen a case of anyone ever needing to cut into the frame to fit 35s, or even 37s for that matter. I didn't have any frame clearance issues with 35s myself.

The Xterra and Frontier community has a huge number of members running 35s.

Because I went with a wheels with less backspacing to keep the tires under the fenders I’m contacting the top of the frame under full flex . Going to pull the axles and put longer studs in so I can run a 1/2” wheel spacer and then hopefully I won’t have to do much to the frame . Not the first time I’ve had to do it but it’s just time consuming


Got the rest of the liner stretched out and tabs welded in to hold it . My welder half took a crap because the nut that holds the positive terminal on must have loosened up at some point and melted the stud halfway so my welds turned out like crap and I will have to redo some of it later but now it’s time to drink to much and stuff my face with turkey . HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!!


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