2013 Ford Raptor SuperCrew build


Woweee!! Just got back from a 4 day trip across Northern Baja. Hit Ensenada, San Quentin, Mikes Sky Ranch, and San Felipe. Trip was amazing and I'm working on a full report. Truck held up flawlessly. Beat the crap out of it but it kept coming back for more. Only damage came from hitting a embedded boulder on the San Felipe whoops. It Pealed back the corner of my lower skid near the drivers side crossmember. Given the terrain and driving style of the run I'll gladly take that as the only carnage from the trip. Can't wait to go back to Baja!






Woweee!! Just got back from a 4 day trip across Northern Baja. Hit Ensenada, San Quentin, Mikes Sky Ranch, and San Felipe. Trip was amazing and I'm working on a full report. Truck held up flawlessly. Beat the crap out of it but it kept coming back for more. Only damage came from hitting a embedded boulder on the San Felipe whoops. It Pealed back the corner of my lower skid near the drivers side crossmember. Given the terrain and driving style of the run I'll gladly take that as the only carnage from the trip. Can't wait to go back to Baja!





Nice! Last time I went out there my buddy and I unloaded the bikes after a long drive, and not 5 minutes after he hit one of those hidden boulders while doing a wheelie and had a broken collar bone. Loaded up his bike, and he was back to the U.S. I miss the days of "safe" baja.


Ah...that's a real bummer.

I felt safe once we got out South of the border. Granted we were in a large group of 21 trucks.

I missed the exit to Ensenada in TJ right after the border crossing. I was a bit stressed haha. You don't want to get lost in TJ and it's hard to tell which road is going to take you back from where you came. Luckily we found the right road eventually.

Couple more pics:

Convoy into Ensenada

Sunset on the trail into San Quentin.


Haven't done much to the truck lately as everything has been working well. Icon's have continued to perform after 27,000 miles of use. I'm guessing they are over due for a service since 7000ish of those miles have been offroad.

Here's a couple up to date picks from this weekend.






You take the wrap off?

Yeah, no longer part of Raptor Expeditions. It was a lot of fun while it lasted. Doing my own thing now with my buddies... just focusing on having fun. Funny story - when I brought the truck home from taking it off from my buddies house, my 3 year old son thought I got a new truck haha. I guess he doesn't understand the concept of a wrap yet.


So, I'm currently in between jobs and don't start work until April 13th. I've got a strong itch to do something I ordinarily wouldn't be able to do due to time constraints. Utah and AZ have been on my list for sometime so I think I'm going to head out the week of the 6th. I've began mapping my route and it looks like it will end up being around 500 miles. I'm going to camp most if not all of it and try to get it done in 3 days. The plan so far is:

Day 1 - Start Mesquite NV and head to the Toroweap overlook on the Grand Canyon. From there I'm going to make my way northeast and camp near either Fredonia or Kanab. Any recommendations on camp spots are welcome. Roughly 177 miles.
Day 2 - Make my way east towards Alstrom point and then finish in Escalante. Roughly 150 miles.
Day 3 - Make my way east to Bryce Canyon and then southwest where I'll finish in Glendale. Haven't finished mapping but should be around 150.

I think I'll be rolling solo as my friends and family have to work and this is short notice. Aside from leaving a route behind, I will be borrowing my buddies spot tracker and sat phone should I run into any trouble. Super excited about this trip but a bit nervous as it will be my first solo. I will be going at a slower pace compared to when I go out with a group so I'm curious if I'll be able to cover the miles I have routed. If I can't, no worries.

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