"Republicans were sneaky" ?
Sheet! The last time I spoke to a Republican who was from CA Reagan was still in office. As governor!
The Republicans have no where near a majority in CA, so how are they pushing any epic tax, fuel or otherwise?
According to the CA SOS, they only have ~ 28% of the registered voters in the State. Are democratic elected officials voting other then their demographic constituents prefer?
Okay, back to the Chevy product.
Nothing unique or grounding breaking with what's already been done before. (Move along people...) Everyone (the automotive media) gets their panties stained because GM has returned to the US with a mid-sized truck. A new wrapper around existing technology. The day that MT breaks with their historical mold and reports something truly inspired by real-world events I will be space dust. The Colorado will not be breaking the hold that Ford has owned on the best-selling vehicle in the US. However Ford will likely strengthen their hold by their latest release to the F150. So what really constitutes a "truck of the year" celebration? Pumping up existing platforms with a never-tried-before technology on trucking products (of this size) or releasing a new body style that doesn't venture out from the safety net?
Ford, with the F150 is at least trying to establish a new trail with the body panels made from something that 1/2 ton truck people have never seen before.