I have driven a 2014 Outback as a rental. I can see the appeal of it for being an AWD car, American built, but it's no Wrangler. I think the anti-Wrangler is a bit of stretch, as I don't see that the two compete other then that the JKU has four-doors. I think a CRV fits as competition more, which as well as CRVs are selling, I think Subaru would rather compete with the CRV buyers.
I think you're missing the point the OP was trying to get across. In no means does the outback compete with the wrangler class-wise. It's just some people slowly realize that they won't use a wrangler for what it was designed to do. Or rather, they don't NEED the capabilities of the wrangler. They still want the peace of mind of an AWD platform but want comfort, fuel economy and reliablity. Then they somehow end up at a subaru dealership.
So what he's saying, many times level-headed people pick something like an outback over a wrangler when they realize they'll never take it off road.