2016 4Runner TRD Pro


El Gringo Spectacular!
The ARB 12v plug came in, so I finished the fridge wiring and install.

My solution to a tie down system will either be seen as genius or totally jury-rigged...I actually like it, and for the total cost of $13.00, including a $2.00 roll of electrical tape; I'm gonna go with it.

Some 1/2" conduit and U-Bolts attached to the original tie downs made for full length rails front and rear. The fridge is solid, and now I can strap additional cargo down using cam straps in a multitude of locations.

The added bonus is that the deck remains clear for daily driving needs...getting groceries, sacks of whatever from the home store, gym bags, etc.




It's really solid; surprisingly so. Next weekend I'll take it out for a run-down prior to Mexico....



Expedition Leader
Could you explain and show some pictures of how the ARB plug works? I'm looking to redo my fridge plug

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New member
I'm really not looking at adding bumpers. I've used ARB and others before, and just haven't been able to justify the weight and expense on either my 100 Series or this build.

I'm trying to keep the weight down and hopefully the mileage and range up.


Good decision. KISS is definitely the way to go for 4Runner.


Nice, I'm doing something similar with my 2016! I was between the pelfrey and the HWS bumpers, but sounds like the pelfrey is good to go.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Just a quick update...building has continued culminating on prepping for Baja, Mexico!

First: A pic of the ARB 12v plug setup.


Solar Controller was easily mounted up for the Powerfilm 60W panel. That should keep the second battery nicely charged while camping on the beach.

A Yakima Skybox 16 was added for light weight gear...and is simply amazing. So far its swallowed two inflatable paddleboards, paddles, pump, privy, tent poles, table, two chairs and pillows with ease. Definitely worth the expense.



I'll run Cartografia E32 topo maps of Mexico on a Garmin Nuvi and older Garmin 60C for the trip...really good maps and worth the initial $100...while a 1st gen SPOT beacon tracks the journey.


A Frontrunner 10 gallon freshwater tank is securely strapped behind the front seats, providing plenty of fresh water via a pair of gravity drain spouts.


Off to find someplace with taco trucks on every corner!



El Gringo Spectacular!
Just back from Baja, Mexico...downloading photos and cleaning loads of dust out of the rig.

General thoughts...loving this truck. I can see how some feel the TRD Pro suspension is too soft...following a Baja race route at speed would need stiffer springs. :sombrero: Slowing down negates the problem!






Expedition Leader
How do you like that front runner water tank? I am debating it vs. the 12 gallons slanted tank they offer.


El Gringo Spectacular!
The tank worked really well. Easy to strap in and the gravity drain spouts I installed made it easy to refill bottles or camelback bladders. The center "hump" design gives an idea of volume remaining as I drained from one side at a time.

Filling from bottles or a hose while in the vehicle was easy.

I'm doing the Mojave Road over Thanksgiving, and will have 3 people in the truck, so I'll use 2 5 gallon Jerry cans in order to save leg room for the rear passenger.



New member
Nice rig! I like reading about your thoughts along with seeing your updates. I'm in limbo waiting for the 2017 4Runners ability to ordered sometime in Nov. Still not sure if I'll go the TRD Pro route or one of the new branded models.


El Gringo Spectacular!
The Pro was an easy choice for me, as I tend to go very conservative on lifts...less time in the shop this way; more time adventuring and factory warranty. So far I'm amazed at the truck's performance


El Gringo Spectacular!
Well, the TRD is about to turn over 10K since I've owned it...that's about 2500 miles a month, and it's been to Mexico a couple times, as well as done the Mojave Road and several days in Death Valley, plus a couple of hot springs jaunts.

Still loving the rig! 4wd system is really amazing. I did find that I was a bit low to the ground, even with the TRD suspension, and could use some added weight capacity for camping gear and RTT, so I decided to put a Toytec 2" TRD Pro lift on.

Love the height and ride. Almost should have been this way from the factory.









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