2016 Land Rover National Rally in Moab, UT Sept 19-23


The 2016 Land Rover National Rally rolls into Moab, Utah for our biggest event in recent years. This year's event is scheduled from September 19-23, 2016 and we’re expecting over 100 vehicles with 175 attendees from all across the country as well as a few from Canada and the UK. We're proud to announce that Overland Journal will be one of our sponsors for this year's event!

For those who aren’t familiar with the Solihull Society, we are a Colorado based Land Rover Club, and since 1990 the National Land Rover Rally has been our club's premier event. The event is managed by volunteer club members, the location alternates from Moab Utah, in even numbered years, with the odd numbered years being hosted at various locations within Colorado. In the past we have had attendees from all over the US and Canada with occasional visitors from the UK and Europe.

The event is a great opportunity to meet other Land Rover enthusiast and tackle trails for all abilities whether mild or wild! Additionally we have social events planned for most evenings, a Vendor event and a banquet on Friday evening.

Tentative Schedule of events

Monday Sept 19 Registration and Check-in - 3:00p to 7:00p
Tuesday Sept 20 Trail runs - 8:30a, Cocktail Party - 7:00p
Wednesday Sept 21 Trail runs - 8:30a
Thursday Sept 22 Volunteer Event - Morning, Vendor event & Raffle - 4:00p
Friday Sept 23 Trail runs - 8:30a, Banquet - 7:00p

For more information or to register for the event please visit our website at www.landrovernationalrally.com


Looking forward to joining everyone again this year in Moab! This rally is one event I put on my calendar every year. We've had our campsite reserved for months already.

See you in September!!!!


We finally have an officially "approved" trail list from the BLM. As a reminder Utah uses a 1-10 scale for trails with 1 being easiest and 10 being the polar opposite!

Trail & Rating
Area BFE (2-8)
Strike Ravine 5
Minor Threat/Green Day 5-6
Dropkick 7
Green Day (uphill) 7
Helldorado 7

Easy Rating
Secret Spire 2
Dolores River Overlook 2
Picture Frame Arch 2
Chicken Corners 2
Cooper Ridge 3
Hell-Roaring Rim 3
Hey Joe Canyon 3

Medium Rating
Dome Plateau 4
Fins and Things 4
Seven Mile Rim 4
Top of the World 5
Gold Bar Rim 5
Flat Iron Mesa w/bypasses 5
Porcupine Rim 5
Kokopelli/Rose Garden Hill 5
Lockhart Basin 5
Wipeout HiII 5

Hard Rating
Cliffhanger 6
Hell's Revenge 6
Kane Creek Canyon 6
Metal Masher 6
Poison Spider Mesa 6
Steel Bender 6
Flat Iron Mesa 7
Behind the Rocks 7
Moab Rim 7
Golden Spike 7
Pritchett Canyon 8


As I look through the trail list I'm getting bummed that the timing is so close to when I need to leave to attend Overland Expo East. It looks like this year will be a really great fun event and I've never gotten tired of running Moab trails.

I just sent the second proof printing of my book out for editorial review, and I'm madly working on a special limited mendo_recce edition to get it finished, printed, and mailed before I leave for North Carolina. The mendo_recce edition is the book plus about 34 additional pages containing the 22 year history of the mendo_recce mail group and pictures of members and events throughout the decades. It will be a special one time printing for people who have prepaid for the book.

Looks like I'm going to be teaching at least one class at the Expo and I need to get handouts written and printed. I have the layout done for the attendee goodies bag handout so all I need to do is get them printed.

The big thing though is that the National Rally ends on the 23 and I intend to leave for the East on the 25th. With the truck completely gone through to verify condition, cleaned, loaded and ready for a long haul to North Carolina. Any Moab trail damage would throw off my plans and there just isn't enough time to get home then do all the last minute stuff to leave on time.

I'm anticipating next year. Make it a good one

Book motto picture72.jpg


We're just over 2 weeks out from the Land Rover National Rally in Moab. If your considering going get off the fence! ;) Hope to see everyone there.


New member

The time is coming fast! Just a few short weeks before we all
gather in Moab for the annual off-roading trip!
Register now! Reserve your space!
Land Rover National Rally | Solihull Society


One last bump before the event next week! We have about 50 trucks registered so far, we have some room for last minute registrations so please register if your considering.


Hey Larry, I think some of us are going to Telluride after Moab, you should join! We will continue this party ;)


Hey Larry, I think some of us are going to Telluride after Moab, you should join! We will continue this party ;)

I'll have to check with my better half. Was supposed to go hike Arches with some friends on Saturday.


Yes, pics please...stuck in my office right now and could use some inspiration.

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