I can't say I'm a fanboy but rather a long time enthusiast. I would certainly love to own a Y61 Patrol or G-wagen... even a LWB Samurai. A Ford F250 or PowerWagon would be great too if I needed a larger truck. Anyway, I can answer some of those questions....And by the way, thank you for at least acknowledging that Toyota LC fanboys do in fact exist. I'm not picking fights with certain LC owners because I have some sort of inferiority complex. I just have a hard time staying silent when I see some of the myopic and unverified statements that are passed off as fact around here. Let's review what we've seen so far:
1) Toyota LC's are 10x better than domestic 4x4's.
2) Toyota LC's have a 25 year service life.
3) LC 80's inline 6 gasser is a million mile engine.
4) LC 80 had a transmission derived from a bus.
I've yet to see any sources for these "facts" but they certainly do get regurgitated around here as if they were derived from holy scripture.
The early FZJ80 had an A442F transmission which is very similar to A442E transmission available on the Toyota Coaster. Not quite a bus but rather a mini-bus. This is not hard to prove as there are many of them still around.
The 1FZ-FE inline 6 engine was said to be a 900K Kilometer engine (not 1 million mile). 300k km's per re-bore's... and 2 rebore's. And the reference was to magazine/book article, and not something officially from Toyota. Why would they?
I don't know about the 25 year service life but I want to say it was from a translated interview or article from the mid 90's. Not really difficult to believe as there are many 25+ year old Land Cruisers running around Africa and Australia. I personally have 3 LC's older than 25 years, two of them on the original engine/transmission.
The 4th fact about the LC being 10x better than domestic 4x4 is completely false. They are only 2x better. =)