2200 watts of solar on the roof?


Well-known member
just built that onan diesel genset onboard, you wont need to carry any extra fuel and you can set it up so when your bank gets low it automatically starts the genset (if its not quiet time) and charge the batteries, then shut down when its full.. all automagically because its got remote electric start and a fuel tank it could not empty by itself..

I'd be looking for a diesel pusher RV getting parted out or in a salvage yard to snag its lightly used diesel onan for your truck.

We've had the privilege of staying too (400') close to people with Onans. I'll take a Honda any day.

When our H2000 is running outside we have to stop making noise inside to listen for it running. No problem sleeping when it is running

I'd look for a Fisher $$$ Panda if I wanted to an onboard generator.

Lots of used Onan available



Well-known member
This is what I'm thinking of doing to my Diesel Westfallia project, its small enough to fit in EV parking fine and I wont be able to carry as much solar as I need on the fiberglass poptop.. at least when were shopping at kroger or something it can be sucking up the amps w/out running the engine.. Since I've also got to retrofit air conditioning into this 1975 vehicle I was thinking of putting either a 2nd 120VAC compressor motor into the loop, or a double clutch on the engine AC compressor with a small electric motor to drive it separately.. then plugged into an EV spot I can leave the AC running which would be pretty sweet for the doggos.

back on track, yeah a thumper diesel motor is gonna be a bit loud, but will it be louder than your AC? not like its all piece and quiet when that things whirring along either.. and when using for recharging if automated you could just have that go off when your out fishing or hiking or away for an hour or so and u never have to put up with it.. it'll stop when bank gets full.. at least you wont have to endure it running ALL DAY LONG like those campers w/lead banks.

A mini split hardly makes any noise.

Roof mounted RV AC/Heat pumps are louder inside than the generator and the noise outside travels further since units are higher. We've been at places that said our roof top AC can only be run during generator hours.


It's pretty hard to run a.c. off grid without running a genset or spending $$$ on batteries.
Not so in my view.
We run a mostly electric (with some diesel and some LPG) motorhome with a 1300W PSW inverter and 400Ah (at 12V) of AGM batteries that cost AUD$1,000 to replace recently (the previous ones were 9 years old.
The secret is simply having adequate charge power.
Ours has been 600W of solar plus the alternator as emergency back up. No generator.
We can not run A/c on that but with 600Ah of AGMs (AUD$1500 = US$1,000) or 400Ah of LiFePO4 and 1500W of solar we certainly could (and a friend does).
You can not have too much solar. Power that you are using comes from the solar first, without going into or coming out of the batteries. They only come into play if your power requirements exceed the solar output.
Then again, the sun is mostly shining in OZ, but that is the only time the A/C is required anyhow. :)

Small inverter splits are the A/C choice for RVs here when running from solar - mostly the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries one from memory.?
OKA196 motorhome


Well-known member
yeah I hadda install a status LED inside the camper so I could tell if the genset ran out of gas or not with it on some extension cord just charging.. when AC's running tho its pretty loud because its wide open throttle.. but still very tolerable placed away.

Ive found conversions for honda 2000 to electric remote start for small marine use, you loose the onboard fuel tank which would be fine for me if I switch primarily over to LP/NG.

The Honda EU3k has electric start, that could be rather easy to retrofit into an automatic onboard charging scheme.. and I believe they are quieter for AirCon usage because they dont run wide open throttle to produce the power.. mebe a security box w/external exhaust on a quick disconnect, and if you found your self parked at one place for winter or whatever you can take the genset out, extend its harness and move it away from the vehicle.


Well-known member
I will have to measure to see if I have room for the electric-start Honda EU3000 in a fan-ventilated locking box...


Well-known member
there's a guy on ebay who sells exhaust extensions for honda gensets, just weld on a bung that adapts it to various kinds of pipe fittings. I would imagine finding a box you can mount to frame rails would be rather easy.. There's a company called low-pro lock down that sells security plates that are ************, could just mount it in open air.. thats how I'm doing my EU2200, I have a hitch step I'm welding the security plate onto and going to hang it off the back of my trailer externally.. I can take it off and move it, or leave it attached and secured if I'm not around to keep an eye on it..

Obviously an eu3k would take something more robust, but maybe just weld some angle iron into a platform that mounts to the frame.. get a fabric cover to put over it for driving and storage.
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Well-known member
I'd like to be able to walk away from it with the generator and the A/C running, in case we have to leave the vehicle unattended with the dog in it, like to go grocery shopping or something. In that case, the first defense against generator theft would be for the generator to be quiet enough that it doesn't attract attention to itself...


Well-known member
It aint walking away if you weld this plate to your truck: http://lowprolockdown.com/shop/complete-lowpro-lockdown-system-for-honda-eu3000is-redblack/

I'd just hang it under your container open air, with some bash/rock shields and a remote exhaust to get it away, maybe an extra muffler cuz why not.. would be out of most of the elements and would not get buried in snow when stowed.. I think getting that in and out of a big box and strapped down will mean u never take it out, needs to be unlock two people lift and done..

worried about it walking away when not mounted to truck? bolt another locking plate to a folding step (link) to lift it up off the ground, and then weld a shackle or something onto it you can wrap some military chain around a tree or something.. done, secure on truck.. and secure off truck.
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Well-known member
It aint walking away if you weld this plate to your truck: http://lowprolockdown.com/shop/complete-lowpro-lockdown-system-for-honda-eu3000is-redblack/

I'd just hang it under your container open air, with some bash/rock shields and a remote exhaust to get it away, maybe an extra muffler cuz why not.. would be out of most of the elements and would not get buried in snow when stowed.. I think getting that in and out of a big box and strapped down will mean u never take it out, needs to be unlock two people lift and done..

worried about it walking away when not mounted to truck? bolt another locking plate to a folding step (link) to lift it up off the ground, and then weld a shackle or something onto it you can wrap some military chain around a tree or something.. done, secure on truck.. and secure off truck.

I've use to have a bunch of the Master Puck locks but the key (very thin/weak) and all brass cylinders are junk. When keys broke off inside it would take about 2 min to drill the cylinder, knock the pins out and rotate the bolt.

I switched over to Cobra Universal-Puck locks



Well-known member
I have a EU3000 that I stopped using 3 years ago after I picked up a H2000. If I ever need more power I'd buy a H2000 Companion.


Well-known member
yeah but are you capable of charging at 2000W all the time? a 3k at 66% load should be considerably quieter and more fuel efficient than a 2k @ 100% load.

the 2k's are super nice for their portability, but I have a feeling his is gonna be fixed to the truck vast majority of time so its just an unattended backup to refill batteries when solar didnt do the job.


Well-known member

That may actually work for us. I could remove the carry handles from the generator, and spray the generator with the same camo paint as the rest of our rig (to disguise it's identity as a Honda generator).

I'd just hang it under your container open air, with some bash/rock shields and a remote exhaust to get it away, maybe an extra muffler cuz why not.. would be out of most of the elements and would not get buried in snow when stowed.. I think getting that in and out of a big box and strapped down will mean u never take it out, needs to be unlock two people lift and done..

FWIW, our container idea has given way to glued/screwed epoxy-covered wood construction.

And we don't want to reduce our MTVR's 60" (five-foot) fording capabilities, so we won't be slinging any generator underneath anything.

Our loft bed will be in the back over the motorcycle garage, the generator would be mounted to our "front porch" platform outside out front door at the other end, and we're planning to insulate the crap out of our box- I don't think we'll hear the generator at all.


Well-known member
yeah but are you capable of charging at 2000W all the time? a 3k at 66% load should be considerably quieter and more fuel efficient than a 2k @ 100% load.

the 2k's are super nice for their portability, but I have a feeling his is gonna be fixed to the truck vast majority of time so its just an unattended backup to refill batteries when solar didnt do the job.



Well-known member
motorcycle garage eh? thats sweet, and would justify putting a somewhat small gasoline tank/transfer pump to fill the bike and feed the genset (~10g).. dunno what it'd take to make a honda eu genny work off a fuel pump, worth looking into perhaps.. since you have gas powered toys going diesel genset becomes far less attractive since you already need to carry multiple fuel supplies.
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