you never know with these auctions
but it'd be fun to wheel one
How so?
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The seats, even the improved retrofits, suck. The driver's area is cramped. The driver's seat travel/adjustment sucks. The outward visibility sucks. The passenger and rear seating areas suck too. Live out of a turtleback with two other guys for a couple of months and you'll find them to be more claustrophobic than the back end of a LAV-25. There are much better options out there. If I had to choose I'd get a G-wagon radio truck over a surplus HMMWV anyday.
Has anybody purchased one of these GovPlanet auctioned Humvees? Just wondering what the experience was like and if the vehicle lived up to it's condition report on the website.
I've purchased a few things from these surplus auctions, but they've all been trailers. Plus side is they all were as good as or better than described. The biggest pain in the ******** is some of the paperwork you have to go through, and the lack of REALLY clear directions on some of it.
I'm curious how the buyers of the above HMMVs managed to get them registered in their various states since none of them were sold with titles.
They are sold "off road use only".