273,000 miles here; only had it since Sept. '08, and it's been 100% problem free. Looks like the previous owner (elderly lady) took good care of it, and took it to a local mechanic for all the regular service (nice stack of receipts and invoices). Timing belt shows that it was last changed at 90k miles, 183k miles ago! :Wow1:
No problems, and is so quiet and smooth I've ground the starter a few times thinking it was off. Runs like a sewing machine. :victory:
I've got to echo what one previous poster said, you shop based on the seller, not on the vehicle. I looked at a '99 Limited with E-locker, but the interior was shot, and the girl selling it looked one step away from being in rehab. I wanted it soooo bad (e-locker envy), but I knew it would be nothing but headaches from the looks of it, and her.
Went to test drive my current 4Runner; daughter of deceased lady was selling it, high miles due to her being a vacuum cleaner saleswoman, lots of trips between Austin and Dallas. Found tons of business cards stashed all over the 4Runner, misc vacuum parts under the seats, and little personal trinkets here and there. I could tell that the daughter was keeping the 4Runner as a piece of memory of her Mom, which kinda touched me. Spent the afternoon at their property test driving and asking questions. $3800 later, and I'm driving my 'Grey Haired Momma' home. :smiley_drive: