Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been bouncing around with lack of internet (or cell service). I'm currently in Stevensville, Montana working on a ranch with my brother, feeding animals, cutting wood, building fences, driving tractor and the whole nine yards. I will get some pictures and stories up tomorrow night or late tonight if I can.
Regarding your question about lone wolfing it, I never was (or is) a lone wolf myself. I really like to be around other people more than just myself, among other things this trip was a chance to learn about myself, my weaknesses and strengths, stuff I need to work on, etc. It took me quite some time to get use to the lonesomeness of being on a trip like this but I have definitely gotten use to it and enjoy it now. I think the ability to do things without having to be with other people is very valuable, you may miss out on a lot in life if you are always counting on another person(s) to be there with you. Give it a try on a weekend trip or something, you may be surprised on how much you learn about yourself and the peace that is brought by being a lone wolf.
At some point I want to do a write-up about all the modifications I've done and things that I need to improve on the camper but I don't think it's in the cards at this point, I still have a write-up to finish about installing my furnace. Anyhow, the insulation I use on the floor, under the bed, turnbuckle holes, windows and door is called DOW Super Tuff-R foam insulation, it's basically a laminated piece of foam insulation, one side has shiny and the other white. I use the shiny side in to reflect the heat. I used 1/2" thick and it seems to help out a lot, you can buy it in sheets of 4X8 at home depot for something like $11 a sheet. It's worth a shot at that price. When I was in Bellingham I stopped into a badas* hardware store and bought a roll of 2'X50' Reflectix insulation and some velcro, I rigged that up for the popup portion so I just have to fold it up when lowering the top. It as well is VERY noticeable inside and I've been sleeping in 20 degree weather with out every being cold. I've actually only slept in a house twice this whole trip and I would rather be sleeping in my camper :sombrero: I promise to post pictures of the inside when I can.
I've been around the Missoula area and Stevensville for the last week or so, I also spent some time out near Placid lake. I was in Kalispell last year as well as Glacier for over a week, I think Kalispell is a great little town, I spent a couple of nights at the Stonefly and Packers Roost.