
Yup that was me! I worked a couple miles away on Mark Avenue on the mountain side of the freeway. I would go to Islands on Fridays after work, man I miss those days already!

I have seen the documentary on him, it is unreal how he works with his hands.


Cape Flattery & Port Townsend

I woke up around 8 am, a thick layer of fog was just inches above the water in the lake. It was a chilly morning, my neighbors had a Westy and the top had been popped down sometime during the night. I was quick to get my breakfast going, oatmeal as usual. I threw on my clothes and headed out, Cape Flattery was the destination for the day. I had originally thought that Ozette Lake Road is part of a loop but I was wrong and had to back track to the 112 N again. The ride was right on the water, it was gorgeous country here, the Straight of Juan de Fuca and the Pacific meet at the end of my path today. When I got to Neah Bay (last town before Cape Flattery) I was surprised on the small amount of signs for CF. I figured it would have been a big deal for the town and thought there would be a gift shop at the end of the way or something to express the most NW part in the lower 48. I climbed a road in the outskirts of town (it was paved), when I got to the end there was a hiking trail and another beaten up road that forked to the right. I chose the beaten road. It was raining pretty good and I could tell that not a lot travel this road, I was excited to push my 4LO engage button for my 4X4. The trail was wet, rocky and overgrown. I got to a small fork in the road and took the right, it set me right over the Cape Flattery Lighthouse. I got a pic, got back en route and climbed some more. Finally I had reached the end, there was a small lookout onto the beach with a fire ring made of rocks. There was fog so I couldn't see the beach but I had completed my mission for the day and was happy so. If anyone makes it out here it would be a fantastic place to camp overnight and there is cell service (watch out for Canada roaming charges).


After the completed mission I headed back down to town. I had not thought about where to go next. I had thought about taking a Ferry to Victoria so I headed back down on the 112 out of Neah Bay, instead of taking the 113 this time which will bring you back near Forks I stayed on the 112 which boarders the Straight and takes you right into Port Angeles (where the ferry is located). I stopped to drain the main vein and saw a huge Bald Eagle right out on the beach, I quickly ran to my truck to get my camera. Like always I couldn't get it to turn on an the bird flew away. Dammit I thought, this was the second time I saw a bald eagle and couldn't get a pic (first time was in Glacier, Montana). While driving down the road my eyes were peeled, I was hoping to have another shot at one of these gorgeous birds. WOAHH!! I shouted in my truck, not 1/2 mile down the road was one perched in a tree over the Straight. I turned around and got a few decent shots, then I noticed a small access road across the way to a telephone pole that was at eye level with the bird. I threw her in 4WD and sneaked up behind it. I got an awesome shot and was thankful for what I had seen (BTW, this day was Veterans day which made it more special). After the sighting I headed out to Port Angeles. I drove around the town and down to the port to check out the ferry schedule, it was $60 or so for the ride. I milled around for a while and wasn't really feeling the idea so I took off towards Port Townsend. By the time I got here it was dark, I checked out the two Forts that were in town (had RV parks in them) but it was Veteran's day and it was blowing so hard outside I thought my truck was going to tip over. After driving around a little and checking out the town I decided I needed to stop and devise a plan. Port Townsend Brewery was the spot, I pulled up to see an empty spot at the bar from the window so I made my way in. A cozy little spot, beers only (no food). I tried the Bitter End and the Hop Diggity, both good IPA's. While sitting around I got to talking to the locals about this and that, then asked them where I could camp and the largest reply was "just park in the shipyard". After hearing about the guy I was going to have to deal with in the shipyard I decided to go elsewhere. I found a small RV park on the outskirts of town, Sequim bay resort was the name. I enjoyed a hot shower and WiFi here, it was a nice change from the damp forest.

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Colonal Angus

Awesome pics of the Bald Eagle. Keep on keepin' on...you gotta a lot people living vicariously through you. Thanks for keeping us posted!


Dungeness Spit/ Kingston-Edmunds Ferry

I spent a good part of my morning dorking out on the computer, it's rare to have internet access let alone free WiFi (included). I milled around the RV park for a while, took a shower and organized my rig. I took a small side trip from Seqium Bay to Dungeness Spit before heading to the ferry. I also had restless legs and needed some exercise, the walk along the Spit was pretty neat and exactly what I needed.


I decided against going to Victoria for now and planned to head to the San Juan Islands instead, I drove back down to Port Townsend to catch the ferry to Whidbey Island. By the time I got there it was filled up, the guy at the booth turned me around and pointed me towards the Kingston ferry which has a different destination of Edmunds, WA. I decided to go for it since I didn't want to stay in town again and I was in the mood for traveling more this day. I took the 20 to the 19 to the 104, that takes you into Kingston where the ferry is. The ferry fare was $13 or so, money well spent for a little boat ride. It only took 25 minutes or so to cross the Sound. By the time I got into Edmunds it was dark and I needed to find a place to stay, I checked into the Moon guide and decided on a park just west of Burlington on Padilla Bay, the campground was called Bay View State Park.


In the morning there was more milling around and a shower. It was raining out so I didn't have any hiking in me at that point. I had a plan to be visiting Bellingham for Thanksgiving but I thought I'd stop in to say hello before then, it was about time for some social interaction for me anyhow. I got up there later in the day and popped up in my friends driveway. It was great to see her and have someone to converse with, she recommended Orcas Island to me over San Juan so I decided to head there in the am.


Moran State Park/Mt. Constitution (Orcas Island)

I headed out of Bellingham early to mid-day, I had to get to Anacortes by 3 or so, the ferry left at 3:35. We loaded up on time and I was able to get a seat up top of the boat, the ferries are real nice with full booth seating inside, a small stand to get food and other viewing areas around the boat. There was a beautiful sunset coming in to the island.


Again by the time we were unloaded it was after 5 and dark. Washington gets dark real early this time of year. I had no idea where I was staying so I decided to follow the camper van in front of me and stop in town to check out my Moon guide. It seemed there was only two gas stations on the island and neither sold propane after 5 pm, I was real low so was going to deal with no heat (or little heat) and possibly no coffee in the morning. I headed to Moran State park which seemed the only option on the island, a lot of the campgrounds were closed but I was able to find one on the lower end of the park and popped up here for the night. It was $21 for the night, had showers and flush toilets and sat on the lake. I had tortillas with veggies and sat by the fire for a few. In the am I had oatmeal and took off to check out Mt. Constitution. There was a road to the top with a lake on the way called Mountain Lake, I stopped there to check it out and found another campsite for $12 and sat right on the lake. I was happy to find this and will stay there that night. There was a small parking lot at the top of MC, I stopped there and did the short walk to the tower at the lookout spot. It was a breath taking view, the cloud cover was low so you could only see the other islands tips sticking out. In the distance was Mount Baker, the tower build by the CCC was pretty awesome, you can climb to the top and see the view up there as well.


After MC, I headed back to town to get propane and some other supplies. I also cruised around the island a little, there is a lot of wildlife here. After town I came back to Mountain Lake and setup camp, like so many other places I was the only one here :sombrero:



Mountain Lake/Doe Bay

In the am I headed out for a hike, the trail was a 4 mile loop around Mountain Lake, it was only a 100 yards from my campsite. I was given a mission from my friend in Bellingham to look for a certain kind of mushrooms (that smell like cinnamon) so I had my eyes and nose peeled for them. The hike was nice, I saw two others trail running but no one else. There was a lot of moss and small streams and waterfalls. I grabbed some mushrooms that looked like the ones I was suppose to get and threw them in a bag, I didn't want to come back empty handed even if they were the wrong ones.


After the hike I drove out towards Doe Bay which is on the farther Eastern side of the island. Again more wildlife and nice views.


After the cruise I headed back to the ferry, I waited for a while and got back on. I got back to Bellingham and stayed in the driveway at my friends place again, I will be staying around the area here for a week or so, Bellingham and surrounding places.


B'Ham Part I

It was good to take a break from driving and spend some time with friends. The first night I was there after Orcas Island we rode our bikes downtown and saw some good music. On Saturday we hung out by the fire and I went on a small hard cider mission for apples and honey. Sunday I went hiking with some of Erica's friends Mary and Justin. We hiked out to racehorse falls and then went hunting for chanterelle mushrooms. We found a shady area and both parties got a decent little pile of them which were later used to make crepes! After the weekend I geared up for Vancouver and BC, on Monday morning I was all set to go and started looking for my passport. After a couple minutes I realized that I completely brain farted a few weeks back and sent my passport out for renewal. I was bummed about not being able to see Vancouver or Whistler but I knew there was other places within reach to visit. I devised a plan and made my way out to Mount Baker for a couple days.







Mount Baker

The directions to Mount Baker are simple, follow route 542 to the end and there you have it. On the map I found Glacier and decided to look for a place to stay around there. I followed a brown marked road called Glacier Creek to a viewpoint of Mt. Baker and the glaciers, it was around 9 miles off of the beaten path to get there. There was snow and ice 3/4 the way up to the lookout but I pressed on to the end and was happy I did. The views of the glaciers are unreal, super blue compared to the snow covered mountains, the pictures don't do them justice. I mobbed around a little, almost got stuck and then headed back down to find a camping spot, I found a little turnoff next to the trail with high proximity to the creek (which was raging at this point). I had a rainy night there and took the 542 up to Mount Baker summit the following day.


I was told the mountain wasn't open for skiing yet, I was glad about that knowing the traffic up there would be bad. I only saw a couple hopeful skiers on my way up there. Once I got to the snow the roads were pretty covered and slick, I had wondered were the plow guy was. The top was snowing like crazy and looked to have over 2 feet already. There were a couple people working to get ready for the season.


My plan was to stay out in the vicinity another night but the more I drove looking for a nice spot to camp the closer I got to Bellingham (and darker). I decided to just camp out there again and make a plan for the next couple days. Turkey day was only a day or two away so if I stayed around B'Ham it wouldn't be a bad deal plus I would save some money.


Turkey Day

I had caught it, mushroom fever. On my way back from Mt. Baker I hunted again and found another good pile of chanterelles, I was excited to show my find and knew we could use it for turkey dinner. The following day was Thanksgiving, we had planned around having people over and then going somewhere and we decided to have dinner just the two of us (and Chumby the dog). We procrastinated all day and finally got a dinner going in the afternoon and ate a late dinner at 10:30. I made gravy with my shrooms and had all the fixins. The next day was breakfast and mimosas, I said goodbye to my friends and headed south for Seattle.






Man , All I can say is im jealous .Looks like your haveing a great and safe trip. How do you like the tundra and camper combo. Im thinking of getting a older tundra someday and a camper like that,In north east there hard to find so im hopeing in the next 3-5 years to go buy one in california and start a trip like that back home . I almost had a couple but needed to much work. Keep it up and have a safe trip.I would love to live in oreogone or around there.Enjoy


How do you like the tundra and camper combo.y

I love my Tundra, but I would say with all the crap I have loaded in it, plus my jacks under neath the truck, my winch and all my tools it is a little under powered. I also have supersprings on the rear and I still bottom out on the frame now and again. I have been thinking about modifying the truck but I will most likely buy another heavier duty truck with a better suspension, straight axle and bigger motor. I get horrible gas mileage and I think if it wasn't for this factor I would keep the truck and modify it. With all that being said I want to add more weight to the truck and the Tundra just doesn't have the capacity. As for the camper, I really like the Four Wheel Camper. I bought it used and there's always problems that are associated with doing so. The North West was pretty hard on it, mostly the water, I had a bunch of condensation issues and a leak. These things are fixable but did slow me down a little. I'm in Montana now and the temperatures in the woods have been in the low 20's, I used laminated bubble insulation and am very impressed with the level of comfort that the camper can provide in these conditions, I am interested in how it does in the 0-20 degree range. The furnace I installed is def the most important modification I did. When I am done with my trip I will spend some time working on insulating it better, I do wish I could put double pane windows in it. Besides the insulation issue, I do feel a little less secure with the pop-up tent part. When in grizzly country it's a little nerve racking. I think an Alaskan camper would be nice but the Four Wheel is so much lighter and has everything you need. Good luck finding one used, I had to jump on mine and send a money order deposit to hold it, I had to drive to Vegas to pick it up when I was living in Ventura.


Expedition Leader
I hardly travel alone even as I've gotten older ... I'm just not an alone guy, but following you makes me think I could do it more. Does anything about this trip bother you about being singular? Any tips about 'lone wolfing' it.

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk 2


Excellent write up. Just read all 15 pages!
Can you elaborate a bit more on the insulation? How is it under the bed? the floor?

It doesn't look like reflectix- what brand is it?

Thanks and keep up the great posts!

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