Funny, I went to the radio club meeting to get my "free radio" and ( won the raffle for another radio and thought of doing the same as you did lysol. There was a choice of cash instead, which I took and gave most of to a ailing HAM fund who had set-up most of the local repeaters. Never met him, but the club was giving money to the family to offset medical bills, so I figured I'd help.
Anyways, back to the radio - I "discovered" that it gets FM radio channels in addition to the flashlight and the alarm(?) function. Listened to a few conversations, but I have not talked to anyone yet. Made a call-out from kayak while I was night paddling the other weekend - thought it would make an "interesting" contact for someone, but no replies. 2M and 1.25M seems pretty dead almost all of the time near me - so much for this thing saving me when I have no cell coverage!