4runner w/Wildernest


Glass and paint

toyota truck topper install 002.jpgtoyota truck topper install 005.jpgtoyota truck topper install 011.jpgtoyota truck topper install 021.jpg I used the front of a 4runner topper to support the and shape the front, along with some wire mesh to form the glass the way I wanted it. Nine layers later I primed and painted the glass and the risers.


Out and about.

IMG257 small.jpgIMG258 small.JPGIMG269 small.jpgIMG265 small.JPG Here's a few pics of it wheeling around a local spot in Denver. I fyou look you can see a gap between the topper and the tailgate. I was just going to extend the window downward, but than I had a better idea...


How to bridge the gap.

rear1on51801.jpgrear2on51801.jpg I've seen these on trucks around town. But when a co-worker brought his to work, I finally got a good look at it and knew that this was the solution to my gap in coverage. I went to a local topper shop and found out that these puppies run about thousand dollars!!! That's just for the rear lift gate! But hey, God is good. Because after I talked to the guys at the shop and showed them what I had already done with the topper (Which by the way, they used to sell.) they hunted a used one down for me and I payed only a $160.00 BUCKS! Thank you God and Suburban toppers.

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
What? No interior shot?...nice job though, that's looking pretty darn good!

I would kill for one of those rear doors...everytime I use my key to lower the rear window I think to myself, oh boy this could be it, pleeeease work this one last time...Plus something like that could be a little easier to secure.


Looks great!
Im in the middle of modding a flip-pac onto my 1st gen 4runner and was thinking along the same lines as your rear door.
Cant wait to see how it turns out.


When I saw that mention of "Suburban Toppers" I said to myself "we have one of those." Then I saw your location...howdy neighbor. :sombrero:

Are you going to be able to work with that reverse angle of the Wilderness back glass with the lift-gate from the donor topper? I suppose the upper and lower halves of the lift gate could be separated and re-attached with the angle but the inner door could be tricky. Maybe a different door piece with an angle built into the middle of it and hinges only on the top or bottom half?


Well, a fine how do you do to you Sir. The idea is to trim the sides to fit, cut around the top half of the door, cut the door in half leanig it back to fit the topper and glassing in the gap created between the door and lift gate.


Gearing up for camping.

While searching for odds and ends neede to finish the topper build I stumbled across a couple of "camp kitchens" and thought, " Hhhhmmm, what if I connect these together and add a camp oven?":campfire:images.jpgimagesCAE0QB1J.jpg61562053_640.jpgAnd tada!camp oven and shelves.JPG

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