4WC - Overrated and overpriced


Well-known member
When truck camper manufacturers list center of gravity they aren’t referring to height, but rather the distance from the front.
Maybe they should list the cog height too though.
Oops my bad....

There is no place that a Grandby can go that we can’t.

Actually not true. Physics and gravity will prove otherwise. Not putting down your choice of rigs. Just pointing out to anyone who is considering a slide in, weight of unit and how high that weight sets will dictate max lean angles before it's rolling or laying on its side.

When I was building out my truck I took careful consideration of what weight I would be carrying. I can get my truck in spots that will have the heavy lifted rigs rolling over or getting stuck.

I remember when this fad started a few years back with guys bolting heavy racks and accessories on the sides of rigs, rooftop tents, winches, heavy bumpers etc. This turns an otherwise capable vehicle into one that is very limited on where it can travel. Same with these slide in campers. Just last year (just before COVID hit) I was very interested in the 4WC Type M as it is very light at only 420 lbs.


Grumpy Old Man
To prove the point on quality and durability perhaps fwc advocates might want to share some pic/videos of what the fwc's are capable of rather than boasting their sturdiness and why they are better than most . . .

I have a 44 year old Grandby - still structurally sound, weather tight, and comfortable. In the 7 years I have owned it, it has been down numerous washboard and frame twisting potholed roads. I think that speaks well of the quality and durability of the basic shell.

I had a small oops this last trip (fall, 2020). The front roof latches broke at 80 MPH combined highway + headwind speed. The rear latches held (for a while) and the result was a 12º kink in the roof at the rear latches. It didn't wreck my trip, just ratchet strapped the roof back down and continued for 3 more weeks of wandering around. I don't think a wood framed roof would have survived. This winter I just bent the roof back as flat as I could make it.


I can't believe this post has gathered so many pages of content. All for one person's personal opinion. Which may or may not (but certainly to them) be true. We all carry this opinion on a variety of items we spend money on every day. I think Stan should be commended for giving us the viewpoint most of us don't see, the manufacturer's perspective. Listen, we should not begrudge entrepreneurs for creating a product and reaping the rewards (and assuming the risk if it fails) when it is successful. Yes we all want our money's worth, and I'm sure most manufacturers (and their employees) want to give us quality products. But since this is America, we have the ultimate freedom to pay more or not, to find a better job if we want, or complain for no reason. Sorry for the rant, just add it to the list of unnecessary opinions.

JaSAn, That's a cool (snowy) picture, I was hoping to find a grandby of similar vintage, but after 3 years I gave up. I had a very similar experience, but instead of a forlorn dog looking out, imagine a 15 yr old boy looking out and saying "Are we seriously going hunting in this weather", my response we heck yeah, let's go. Turns out he was right, it seems the elk didn't want to be out in that weather either.

Happy camping everyone.

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