

Except these were for the Federal government, not newscasters and made by


Radio Frequency Interference Monitoring System (RFIMS) Vans (Catalog #10000-006)
Contract: NTIA, US Department of Commerce, Boulder, CO; 9/96-8/98

NTIA required eleven radio frequency interference monitoring vans. EMI procured Ford E350 extra long body Econoline vans. To allow additional head room on the interior, EMI modified the vans by fabricating an 18-inch high roof bumpout on the forward portion of the van. The rear roof is reinforced for walking surface and customer-furnished antenna mounting. An interior operator compartment is furnished with equipment racks and writing surfaces. The area behind the racks houses A/C and heating equipment, generator, cable reel and antenna mast.

Pix plate in the eBay auction


Just the facts..... :victory:

Same as Here: http://www.frontlinecomm.com/ D-20 HT E-350 Frontline also does stuff for the military and companies like Honeywell.
Just the facts....
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Thanks Dave for all the help,I checked out the site you mentioned and saw the exact same vehicles. I will let you know if I buy the one here or the one out west. Got to take some measurements tomorrow,looking foward to viewing the van LIVE.

Thanks again



Thanks Dave for all the help,I checked out the site you mentioned and saw the exact same vehicles. I will let you know if I buy the one here or the one out west. Got to take some measurements tomorrow,looking foward to viewing the van LIVE.

Thanks again


Good luck James hope you find something that you really like...Please keep me posted and feel free to contact me any time..
BTW:You wouldn't happen to have any fj80 91-96 front coils would ya?

Good luck:victory:


I was just giving James something to go by not the exact so he could get an idea. No need to be a D*#*.

I guess all "gunnies" curse when needed with lowbrow recruits but no need for that here. If my facts are incorrect just say so. If I misinterpreted your posts say so. Name calling "D*#*" makes you look silly to more folks than just me.
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I guess all "gunnies" curse when needed with lowbrow recruits but no need for that here. If my facts are incorrect just say so. If I misinterpreted your posts say so. Name calling "D*#*" makes you look silly to more folks than just me.

Sometimes being Right is just WRONG. He gave me very helpfull info and actually called me,that says a lot about the mettle of a man.


Sometimes being Right is just WRONG. He gave me very helpfull info and actually called me,that says a lot about the mettle of a man.

I'm sure that personal contact on the phone is always good and that the Gunnie is a fun guy to talk to. If he was in a similar van building business he should know a thing or two. I also know a thing or two about vans built to government contracts although I've been around commercial ENG vans more than I care to admit to.

When around the campfire you can grin at folks, call them a D*#* and hand them a cold beer. Everybody laughs and no one opines that the man's "mettle" is suspect. Forums and the posts in them are open to all sorts of interpretations and offer little insight into personal mettle, but maybe into typing skills.... :elkgrin: Name calling is unproductive in this venue.

As for being "Wrong" you said in your first post "whats up with these vans" and I gave very specific information about the vans and the contract they were built to so that any purchaser knew with some accuracy that these were not news vans. If an accurate answer to your question is "wrong" then I am mystified as to what is "Right" and how that is used to judge the mettle of a man. But this is the cyberweb and all sorts of things are typed and not to be given much worry. :ylsmoke:.


I guess all "gunnies" curse when needed with lowbrow recruits but no need for that here. If my facts are incorrect just say so. If I misinterpreted your posts say so. Name calling "D*#*" makes you look silly to more folks than just me.

First of all i was never in the services its my last name...I was just trying to help out a fellow expo member and you wanted to try and bash someone or try and make them look silly like you have built one of the vans before. I dont take kindly to other people trying to make them selves look better by trashing other people...BTW this is what i do-Build these service vehicles..So thanks for your input!:victory:


First of all i was never in the services its my last name...I was just trying to help out a fellow expo member and you wanted to try and bash someone or try and make them look silly like you have built one of the vans before. I dont take kindly to other people trying to make them selves look better by trashing other people...BTW this is what i do-Build these service vehicles..So thanks for your input!:victory:

You are welcome. Sorry about thinking you had been in the service. I do know my share of military folks. And yes, I have built comms vans so you assumed incorrectly too. The biggest "van" was an FAA 707 test bed out of their Atlantic City technical facility and some Econoline types were for NASA and some were for other agancies. Ain't worth worrying about that you assumed incorrectly too and this is getting way off-topic.


Expedition Leader
Time to move on:costumed-smiley-007.....

Is there any reason one should not consider purchasing one of these gov owned 4WD vans?


Time to move on:costumed-smiley-007.....

Is there any reason one should not consider purchasing one of these gov owned 4WD vans?

I think that the low mileage is a good sign as long as they were well maintained. They were built by a reputable business so they should not have compromised the integrity of the original van. There is no telling if they were semiactively used or if they've been in storage forever and finally surplused. My only concerns would center around how the RFI equipment was stripped out and if it left any mechanical or wiring issues to repair. If they are cheap enough and you have time to fix any probems it may not be much to worry about.

We'd all love to hear more from anyone who actually inspects one.


Expedition Leader
Are these gov built vehicles equipped with hour meters?
Is the maintenance based purely on mileage or time?
Does the rust on the screws on the tcase boot mean anything?

My concern is the vehicle has been idling for 10+ years with the doors open and they changed the oil every 3K miles. Should one be worried?

Disclaimer- I'm not bidding on this.

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