Next was the CB. I had a good experience with the Cobra 75 I'm the JKUR and figured the clean install would work as well in the 4R. I opted to hide the box in front of the shifter below where I mounted the sPOD switches. I mounted the Firestik antenna on the hatch with a Diamond K400 & FireRing FME coax. I can't speak highly enough of the FireRing FME coax with the low profile barrel connection- it allows you to unscrew the larger connection and reduce the diameter from 3/4" to 3/8". This makes fishing it through the vehicle a lot easier!
Note: the clearance by the transfer case is tight but I checked it a few times in N & 4LO (before & after cutting) to make sure it cleared. It does.
Here's everything buttoned up:
Your 4runner build was awesome and it helped me choose the direction I wanted to go with a few things. Question about your CB install on the 4runner, was the little bracket for where the CB wire comes out something you just picked up at a hardware store or did you purchase it somewhere else? Also, when you hid the box did you secure it with anything or did it just keep itself in place. Thanks