5 Wheel Drive: Land Rover & KTM tackle the Gaspé Peninsula

Jarek M

The route is fine! NOT doable on your own and in a mall crawler, but perfectly fine for a determined well equipped group. Three trucks and two bikes wold be just right. The only thing that stopped us was lack of gas.

I'm coming back!!!!!


You are right, the only real thing that stopped us was the lack of gas. We passed everything else. A good off road truck is also needed. Chainsaw too!


New member
We almost also got stopped due to a lack of a corkscrew for our local wine we picked up for camp... but through improvisation, we overcame that challenge and persevered!


You b@$tards shoulda called! :sombrero:

I coulda been in Gaspé in about 9 hours...

We were going to call... then debated about it. Didn't know how far you were. I swear we about to ask Ben for your number to see if you wanted to meet up and explore.

Sounds like we are going to have to head back up and give it another try with 20 more gallons of fuel!
The route is fine! NOT doable on your own and in a mall crawler, but perfectly fine for a determined well equipped group. Three trucks and two bikes wold be just right. The only thing that stopped us was lack of gas.

Fine? You did only make it 1/3rd of the way right? ;)

Do you have a GPS track you can show? Just curious how far you made it vs. how much fuel you used.

Sounds like it was a great adventure, and definitely worth going back. If I understand right, Ted also wasn't able to get through for the TNE route? Now it's a challenge that must be met! :)


The TCAT got really lucky when they found the "Route du Mauricie" through that region, or else it would have been the exact same thing probably.


Less about luck and more to do with many, many hours of research (phone calls, maps, internet, etc)



Sounds like it was a great adventure, and definitely worth going back. If I understand right, Ted also wasn't able to get through for the TNE route? Now it's a challenge that must be met! :)

I've made it through before, this time we were just going to reride that track from the opposite side and were quickly stumped with this


We spent a while debating whether or not to attempt to cross the river, I thought it was doable but my riding partner didn't. He was probably right as the current was pretty deep. That road is the major trunk for MANY of the smaller roads to the west of it. I'm glad we tried east to west as that river would have had to of been forged had we come across it at the end of the route (fuel). We spent a while and had a coffee debating it but in the end we bowed down to better judgement, I still regret making that decision :ylsmoke:

Jarek M

Fine? You did only make it 1/3rd of the way right? ;)

Do you have a GPS track you can show? Just curious how far you made it vs. how much fuel you used.

Sounds like it was a great adventure, and definitely worth going back. If I understand right, Ted also wasn't able to get through for the TNE route? Now it's a challenge that must be met! :)

We hit the trail at 11AM and did 70 miles, next day decision was made that with our curent fuel state we,re not making our next refueling point at the half way. So we bailed out south...
Like deadly99 says, I also regret my decision. We probably would of make it and there is no glory without risk! So non for me this time!!! I feel like ****...


We were going into the unknown really. It was all passable and we did build a bridge and plowed through everything we could. It was just that we were low on fuel and were going to enter a long overgrown/non-existent trail that looked like hell on the map. Maybe we could have made it to the next gas stop... Maybe not, who knows. All we know is we were getting some horrible MPG. This is really the only reason we had to hit the main trail and get out to fuel up.

The response so far from everyone has been great! I think we need to organize a 5 man group next time of trucks and motorcycles and finish the trail! Anyone interested in early spring time next year? :) "The Great Gaspé Crossing Part II"

Also sorry for the delay in the write up. I started Day 1 last night but work has been insane since I got back. I have this weekend free and will get all the images in order and should post a full report by this weekend.


I've been there is early June and got turned back by snow....just something to consider. Where there wasn't snow the trails were very muddy and soft.
The response so far from everyone has been great! I think we need to organize a 5 man group next time of trucks and motorcycles and finish the trail! Anyone interested in early spring time next year? :) "The Great Gaspé Crossing Part II"

More like, the crossing of the Gaspe Gap. ;)

70 miles? You guys must have been idling a lot to burn that much fuel?

Ted, how deep do you think the river was?


I like that! Gaspian Gap!

Idle.... yeah that was one of our problems. The truck had a dead battery when we first tried to start it the night before. So we jumped it off the pick-up truck and really didn't want to take our chances shutting it off every other time we came to a challenge. We had my KTM but I don't know if the KTM's battery would jump a V8. Maybe if it was warm but not stone cold. After camping that night we woke and tried to kick over the Rover and it fired right up. too late though as fuel reserves were already low.

Kevin, you should have come along! I know you have been itching to get up to Gaspe.

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