5 Wheel Drive: Land Rover & KTM tackle the Gaspé Peninsula


Report coming (man i'm really hyping this up right?) teaser shot!



Day 1 – Saturday morning

After a night of heavy drinking in the hotel room and watching off-road video we wake up a tad late, but well rested... and with a slight hangover. No big deal though because all we have to do is drive at a snails pace through the woods right?


We pack up and hit the gas station right away. I fill the bike and Jarek fills the Disco plus the 3 jerry cans… just incase*. We hit the road and come across heavy traffic right away… They have traffic in Canada? In the middle of nowhere? See two of us are from the most populated state and I am from the most populated city in the US so coming across Traffic in the middle of nowhere was very strange. I cut through traffic on the KTM and saw what was going on. Some huge dual-end truck was trying to get off a bridge on Route 132. People were out taking photos and all that. I guess this really only happens once in-a-while in Gaspe. Jarek decided to pick up some canned calamari (sounds gross but damn good the next day when you are starving) at the near by store and Ryan and I chatted is up with a snowmobiler. He was excited to hear about what we were trying to accomplish on this trip.







About 10 mins later we roll up to the trailhead. The excitement builds… will it be difficult? Will it take us only 2 hours? Will we run out of gas? Will Ryan get eaten by a bear? All of these thoughts ran through our heads as we mentally prepped for what was about to hit us.


I started up the hill first to lead the way, though my Garmin combined with my standing up riding style was killing my navigation! haha. I kept trying to look down at my bars to see when the next turn was but I had to watch out for rocks and waterholes. It started to become a maze for me so I let Jarek and Ryan lead as they cashed the whole area of the Gaspe on GPS Kit in their iPad. I highly recommend that app!




Day 1 – Saturday morning cont...

Our first obstacle comes to us about 2 miles in. Looks like a giant wall that was built maybe a month ago. It also has a sign written in French next to it. “Chasseurs a l’affut.” Jarek’s Polish wasn’t helping, Ryan’s instincts felt like it was a similar sign we see in the States, “Don’t trespass or we will blow your head off”, and I was just wondering how in hell I was going to get my bike over! What did the sign mean? We thought long and hard about it for 2 minutes and decided we didn’t drive 14 hours to let some sign we don’t understand stop us! So we threw the bike over and Jarek drove the truck over the 10 foot barrier.





“Chasseurs a l’affut.” Means “Hunters on the lookout” or something like that. We figured it out after we got back.

About 100 yards in front of that someone built up a bunch of trees to stop people like us from going over the first barrier I guess. I took a bypass into the woods and Jarek drove over the weak wooded attempt to crush our dreams. At the end of the trail we could see a large opening to a major logging road. But right before we got to it there is a small washed out pipeline. The pipe couldn’t hold the rushing water and the overspill must of wash out everything around it. Jarek and I walked my bike across the giant holes and slippery metal pipe only because it didn't look to pleasing to fall into. He took the Discovery over it as quick as he could because the pipe started to crush under the 8000+ pound load.





Now this is what I was expecting... Long wide open logging trails! We cruise this open pass for a good bit. We encountered some hikers right away who seemed to be a bit scared of us. I was ripping through the long uphills and winding switchbacks trying to get my speedo to hit 70mph. Jarek tried to keep up in his lumbering Discovery, and I could see it in his eyes that he wanted a rip on the old bike





We then took an offshoot and I followed the boys down a long twisted and tight ravine between two hills. As I noticed my Garmin unit dropping elevation numbers like a fighter plane going into a nose dive. I could see the forest growing thicker and darker. It felt like we were heading into an ewok village. Passing signs that read “Danger” and seeing small waterfalls dumping out near by as we come across a nice river. It’s not too deep and looks like fun! The bridge is out that rises 20 feet above it down the way so this is the only way through. All three of us are used to water as we do a lot of Pine Barrens driving throughout the year. He feels at home and doesn't bat an eye as he drives through the axle high water. I on the other hand want to make sure I get the best angle of approach. The water isn’t too deep for me, its just the 10 foot climb out and off camber right hand turn at the top. I saddle up and crank my Scotts Steering Damper to 11… ok maybe 9, pop the clutch and ride in. Now this is a good but amateur move if I can explain. Cranking the damper stabilized me in the water hitting the rocks but not when you need to throw the bars to the right quickly. As I come up the embankment I forget about the nice sharp right hand turn and quickly have to throw the bike down. It’s fine, my bike likes to sleep after a nice dip. We all have a good laugh and are really getting into the trip now. It’s a good mix of trails!








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Yep, I've got a Scott's too, and very quickly learned that it's a double edged sword. It does make it more stable when hitting things you can't see, but it also prevents you from manoevering as and when needed. When off-road, I leave it turned down. I turn it up a bit on high speed gravel. Whenever I forget to turn it back down again, hilarity ensues.

Don't feel bad about that sign. I asked my wife who is french, and her mother who is a french teacher, and neither of them know what it means either. The french dialects in Quebec... frankly they piss me off as I was taught proper french.

Did the motorcycle hitch rack make it? That's what I want to know! :Wow1:


Yep, I've got a Scott's too, and very quickly learned that it's a double edged sword. It does make it more stable when hitting things you can't see, but it also prevents you from manoevering as and when needed. When off-road, I leave it turned down. I turn it up a bit on high speed gravel. Whenever I forget to turn it back down again, hilarity ensues.

Did the motorcycle hitch rack make it? That's what I want to know! :Wow1:

Yeah i usually use the Scotts cranked up at high speed and off at low speed trail riding. But this was the first water crossing of the day and it was early. I didn't want to take a dive and suffer the rest of the day. Also popping a wheelie out of the water up the hill doesn't help steering! hahaha.

After the Discovery went through the water with the hitch on we decided to strap it too the roof. Its ease of mind to know you have a way out if the trail gets too insane. We only used it late at night when we drove back on the road from the tip of Gaspe. I was dead beat from the two days and a good 3-4 hour drive to the tip and some beers really set me back. I passed out in the Discovery right away.


Jarek,Did you like all the type of road you saw? It is a paradise for offroading, you only saw the tip of the icebirg, you didnt get all the way to the federal park in the high mountains?If you plan a trip again let me know I will try to make it, if it is during the summer,i'll try to have my guide with us.


New member
The response so far from everyone has been great! I think we need to organize a 5 man group next time of trucks and motorcycles and finish the trail! Anyone interested in early spring time next year? :) "The Great Gaspé Crossing Part II"

Hi Dan I just read the full report great trip , maybe next time I can tag along in another bike , I just got a BMW K100rs it wont make it out there is a touring bike but I can trade it for a older KLR or something like that ....man I will give my first born to be there :smiley_drive:..... worst comes to worst I'll be a navigator and medic I used to be a EMT and ER emergency tech at Chilton hospital :)


Hi Dan I just read the full report great trip , maybe next time I can tag along in another bike , I just got a BMW K100rs it wont make it out there is a touring bike but I can trade it for a older KLR or something like that ....man I will give my first born to be there :smiley_drive:..... worst comes to worst I'll be a navigator and medic I used to be a EMT and ER emergency tech at Chilton hospital :)

Hey Cris! I need to finish the second half of the first day and the second day. :)

Nice BMW you got there! Trade it up and get a KLR or DRZ and take it up with us next time for sure!


From a trip we did in June of 2008....way too early in the year at the higher elevations :Wow1:

We did get across but only because I am so stubborn :wings:



Shoot me an email when you decide to go back....I have some unfinished business there :ylsmoke:

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