5x8 V-nose cargo trailer conversion build Videos


New member
Thanks for watching.... it has been a super fun build so far, I am starting on the bed right now and it have been the worst part by far.... I am getting ready to post parts 10 and 11


New member
I am not sure what brand this trailer is... the main reason why i bought this particular brand is because the manf. was willing to custom build it smaller without charging me any extra. I bought it at a local trailer dealership. I will try to find the make. the quality isn't top notch (it seems to be built strong but the finish work is lacking) but then again we bought a high dollar 20" enclosed trailer last year for work and the quality was about the same. Mine has a spring axle, I am not really sure which one is better, I am sure someone is better versed on this than I am. My skin is screwed on, I am not too worried about it leaking, we have some that have sat out in the weather for 10+ years without leaking. I guess time will tell how this one will hold up. Thanks for the comments

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