ntsqd said:
The NW Nevada/Steens region looks like it's off to quite a lead, especially since aside from my get-the-ball-rolling suggestions it's the only area proposed. At some point not too far off we'll need to settle on a firm place. Then we'll need, ideally, some local knowledge on when would be the best time to go there. Where ever "there" is. The earlier this is nailed down the easier it will be to plan the time needed and prep the 60's.
A PM brought up the issue of possibly needing a group permit. I'd like to avoid that. Can anyone confirm, as in not something that you've read in a forum somewhere, what that number is? I'd hate to have to go to RSVP's, but if there is too much interest and not enough time to get a permit (assuming that it's not the usual Gov't cluster) it may come to that.
There are a few on this board that are local to the area. You night also try posting on the
Battle Born Cruisers of Northern Nevada forum, most of us are looking for any excuse to take a trip, as in do some scouting of the area with a group event in mind.
I was involved with organizing a geocaching rally a few years back IIRC we did need a BLM permit but it will depend on the number of rigs and the area. (We talked about limiting registration numbers to avoid the permit issue.)
I believe the BLM offices for the Sheldon area:
Winnemucca Field Office: (775) 623-1500
Surprise Field Office: (530) 279-6101
If the numbers are fairly small there is a B&B with camping sites located at
Soldier Meadows Ranch. The Ranch is within a few minutes drive of Soldier Meadows hot springs, Black Rock Desert, High Rock Canyon and Summit Lake. There are also some primitive BLM camp sites near the mouth of High Rock around the hot springs. The Ranch is just south of the border of the Sheldon Refuge.
Hope this helps.