7.3 Diesel what should be replaced


Than you.

On to installing new o rings and putting the passenger side together. Might not be until next weekend as I don't have much time this week.


Finally got some parts in the mail today, got the two rear injectors in but can't get the front ones to seat. Not enough room to tap the in and I guess my hands are too weak to squeeze them in. Called it quotes for the night as its down to 18 degrees out and was making no progress.

Any hints for seating the injectors? No room to tap them in and afraid to pry.


I dipped them in oil, not forcing at all. Just can't get enough force on them to get them that last 1/8 inch down.

I will yank them back out tonight and try again.


Doublecheck that ALL the o-rings are seated into the injector. Just a bit of crud under one of the o-rings is enough to prevent it from sliding into the bore.


Expedition Leader
I know, that's why I said "when it comes wrapped in a truck". I get the draw of a 7.3 but good lord. The premium some guys want is just ridiculous.

Ok, back on topic.

Really check out your electrical while you're in there. I mean main engine harness and especially all the connectors. The ones on my 7.3 (1992) were just dieing to crumble if looked at wrong. Still working on a permanent solution for the booty-fab holding it all together.

By paid for the motor and it came wrapped in a truck... I mean 1k usd and a free E350 included.

I believe DieselORings.com has new wiring bits if needed.

I love many things about the E350... getting into regular parking spaces, ride, handeling, manoverability... I always want to curse if anything needs to be done under the hood. So far in three years only about 4 tasks have made me really want to swear.

The one I've been putting off is the glow plugs. Having replaced the dead stock one with a 'Monster Glow plug relay" I no longer need to replace them. If I hadn't bought them they'd not even be on the list... but since I did... they're on the list.

Question: Will new glow plugs eliminate the small puff (I'll be honest... cloud) of white I get on startup on cold days?

Since Crank sensors were mentioned... I'll mention there was a recall relating to Crank Position Sensors... the reason I know is that my 97 has an outstanding recall for it and a sensor for Cruise control. You can check online for recalls by VIN.


I've never seen a 7.3 that didnt puff a bit of smoke on startup in the cold.

And a bit of smoke on startup on its own does not indicate bad glow plugs.

If it were missing at all during cold start, then perhaps.


Expedition Leader
It ran fairly smooth on startup with no glow plugs. That said it started and ran fairly smooth on startup below freezing with no plugs.

Sounds like no rush on those plugs then.


It ran fairly smooth on startup with no glow plugs. That said it started and ran fairly smooth on startup below freezing with no plugs.

Sounds like no rush on those plugs then.

The better your injectors are the less you need glow plugs. So it sounds like yours are in good shape!


Agreed, yours sound to be pretty healthy, as were mine except for the fact I knew the o-rings to be leaking some. Not an issue really besides it bugged me and had gotten worse over the last year. My van always starts right up and runs smooth, but I was getting a large cloud after it sat for a day or so. Didnt matter if its 20 degrees out or 70. The cloud was the same if it had been sitting.

Figured I would replace it all while in there, although I have made very very little progress this past week as its been about 0 degrees not including the windchill.


Well I finally got the passenger injectors back in. Going back together slowly.

Going to get it running and then tackle the other side.


Good to hear! The crammed space makes EVERYTHING more difficult and frustrating! Once you get it running, all of the scrapes and muscle aches will be worth it! Lol, trust me. How did you end up getting the injector in?


Tried it with fresh hands and the temperature above freezing.

Slow progress as I am only spending 20-30 minutes at a time on it. Looking forward to going in the right direction though!

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