7K of USA


Wow, nice job! I didn't even know that was an option. How long does that take?


I used a 250w Ideal brand groover and once its warmed up it rolls through like a hot knife in butter. Probably 90min or so to do all 4 and get em back on the truck, obviously thats going to vary with the complexity of your pattern. Use chalk to sketch it out on the tread until you get used to it.


I had some grinding develop on the driver front wheel when braking. Pulled it all apart to investigate and found the top slide on the driver caliper wasn't sliding very well causing the top of that pad to drag and ware prematurely.

Since you have to push all the lug studs out to separate the rotor and hub I decided to replace the hubs at the same time.

20150525_151640 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

One of these days I'm going to have some fun with this truck instead of constantly working on it and using it for work.. haha


Expedition Leader
New brakes look good Colorado. I have pounded many a stud out with a hammer and punch. Not that hard after your hand stops feeling the pain...:Wow1:


That's the joy of it. You go through these spells of constant replacement- next thing you know you've got a like new "old" truck. I've done three. Re-condition them front to back and then drive them like they were new. I'm planning a Wyoming trip for next year (summer 16'). I'm planning on takin my old 97' powerstroke and slide in. It's a far piece to Wyoming from Kentucky. I can't even freakin wait!!!! Your well on your way to having a "new" truck too!


That's the joy of it. You go through these spells of constant replacement- next thing you know you've got a like new "old" truck. I've done three. Re-condition them front to back and then drive them like they were new. I'm planning a Wyoming trip for next year (summer 16'). I'm planning on takin my old 97' powerstroke and slide in. It's a far piece to Wyoming from Kentucky. I can't even freakin wait!!!! Your well on your way to having a "new" truck too!

I started doing that with this pile 2.5 years ago:)
20141020_133958 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20150515_181240 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

I'm still not done.. haha

I know what you mean though, I get a lot of satisfaction when all the time, money and parts come together to make automotive dreams come true:D

Truck looks like it's coming along nicely



When I went to pull my camper off the trailer I bought it on I discovered that one of the jacks was bound up, luckly I had access to an off road forklift so I used it to set the camper in the truck really quick. :D

20141016_161525 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

The mystery of this camper just kills me.. It was made in 88' but is too short to fit an 88-98 Chevy...:smilies27 From what ive read online that body style has one of the lowest bed to cab heights.

I was able to get the jacks working and when I used them to unload the camper from the truck for the first time I discovered that they were a little skinny for this truck. I had to pretty much drive over one to make it happen, serious pucker factor..

I had some .250 wall 3" sq tube laying around so I did some measuring and decided 6" wider would put me in the ball park.

20150608_150531 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20150608_161621 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

The drivers side mounts had seen better days so I repaired them with new blocks and new 3" 3/8" hardware that goes all the way thru the floor.

20150608_143809 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

All this in preparation for some camping and the Hill Climb at the end of this month. :costumed-smiley-007


My front bumper was sagging and pretty floppy so I decided to grab another from the junk yard. Turns out I was missing 2 mounts and 10 bolts that were supposed to be holding it on.
20150614_151845 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

Grabbed a couple tow hooks while I was there, the peeling waffle trim matches my truck perfectly haha
20150614_175146 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

We had a hail storm the other day and I went out to throw something in the camper to find the rear vent cover shattered. Luckily not much water got inside the camper. Gave me a good excuse to go to camping world and get the Fantastic 2250 Ive been wanting.
20150615_152545 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

Going to make afternoon naps in the summer much nicer :D

Got it out for some fishing this week too. Glad I put the fan in before we went, the bugs/heat were brutal from 11-5.
20150617_140742 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20150617_144748 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

20150617_194259 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

IMG_20150617_204249617_HDR by colorado_baja, on Flickr

And the only pics that matter, my son having a good time.
IMG_20150618_093739531 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

IMG_20150618_093742639 (1) by colorado_baja, on Flickr


Been driving the truck around with the camper loaded since the trip to Terryall, mostly up and down Powers. Managed to get 12.3 mpg not too bad since I was flogging it up 24 to keep up with traffic and rocked the AC both ways.

I had been trying not to spend any money on the motor since I'm planning on swapping. Shortly after I filled it up I was headed up powers and it started missing pretty bad, managed to get get out to the Forest and started pulling plugs. Found this in #8, haha. Everything on the ignition was toast so I threw a cap, rotor, plugs and wires at it.

20150622_114551 by colorado_baja, on Flickr

Pretty impressed this thing is going as hard as it is after seeing that.. Its running a lot smoother and smoking a lot more with the tune up.



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