80 series custon pop-top hunt... where is it?


We came across this pair when travelling in Morocco... very cool. The interior was more "rugged" than the Dormobile but definitely a better bed, more storage and need I say it? Toyota reliability.


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Expedition Leader
What we need to do is pressure AT (once they are done and running with the JK version) to build us a Flippak conversion for our LC's. It would look like the pop tops on the LC's posted, but so much better when deployed. If they can somehow make it fairly universal in size so that you cut the hole in your roof to accomodate the Flippak on either an 80 or 100, possibly even the 60 series. Now that would be the cat's meow. That way you could stand up in the rear portion and someone could still be sleeping in the "flipped" over/bed portion. That is my dream at least...


That's exactly what I was thinking before I got to your post!


We came across this pair when travelling in Morocco... very cool.

I came across several camper conversions in Morocco, always Germans!
Me on the left, German on the right:

German left, Moroccan topsleeper on the right:


I just love Snoeke's old ride.... so a little more work on my troopie and i'll get there....


Great thing with these, is you can stand up and move around inside.. great to have some space when the weathers bad..


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Expedition Leader
You know, it wouldn't even require a hole in the roof. I fit through my open sunroof just fine and I am not a little guy (6' & 220).
And, if the unit was made in two parts, a universal top wouldn't be too hard. Just make a universal top that bolts onto an adapter plate (think fiberglass ring that goes under the pop up). Each model gets an easy to make, inexpensive, unique adapter plate that fits between the pop up and the roof making mass production much easier for multiple models. One pop up, one production run, lots of applications.

I call first dibs!!!!!!


I really like your universal "top/tent" portion with the custom "cap" idea, that would make it much more marketable/doable. However, I want the big opening. With the top opened (preferably over the hood area), I want to be able to stand up in the rear and get dressed/cook/whatever. So count me in as a full conversion with the entire top cut open. I figure if you followed the sunroof opening all the way back, that would give you a pretty good guide for opening it up.:wings:


Ruffin' It

hey, I'm not picky. I'd be happy to open up the roof on the cruiser. I'll take what ever I can get when it comes to a pop top. In fact, the more I think about it, the better the extra room sounds.

Now where is my sawsall?

I really like your universal "top/tent" portion with the custom "cap" idea, that would make it much more marketable/doable. However, I want the big opening. With the top opened (preferably over the hood area), I want to be able to stand up in the rear and get dressed/cook/whatever. So count me in as a full conversion with the entire top cut open. I figure if you followed the sunroof opening all the way back, that would give you a pretty good guide for opening it up.:wings:



Doesn't anyone here on Expo have the desire to become an importer for these conversions???

Silly question. I'm sure there is a lot of desire. Why won't anyone get on it?



...And I just realized after a few days of this I was asking about the "CustoN" pop top hahaha. I'm starting to lean towards taking all the info out there and trying to build a custom one....


Did you guys see all the neat fiberglass custom stuff available on that last link? Including the water tank that sits under the rear seats of the 80!!!!!

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