The more I looked at it, the less I liked the ride height. I prefer to keep things low and fill the fenders as much as possible. So today I decided to stop ****in around and do something about it. I replaced my 6" rear shackles with 4.5" ones from DIY4X, and removed the bottom leaf from both front springs. Some people say removing leaves is a bad idea, some say its just fine. I decided to give it a shot, even if the front springs start to sag they're getting replaced with ORD springs this coming winter/spring anyway. Removing the bottom leaf lowered the front 1/2" and the shackles lowered the rear about 3/4". It's not much but I'm happy, mostly because it rides much better. The rear shackle angle is better now and the rear feels softer because of it, the front is softer as well. There's a washboard section near my house with some dips and bumps in it, i can hit that whole section 10mph faster than i used to be able to. oh and i should have new tires in a couple weeks.
dirty, ugly springs
after, cleaned, painted, lubed, etc...
new ride height 4.5" of lift, 37s that actually measure 35.5"