Spamicus Eliminatus
Sorry for missing it guys! I was really hoping to join in but I was out with my wife... shopping... for plants... and food for dinner... :chowtime:
cruiser guy said:Sorry I don't know enough about the ham stuff yet but do I need to have ANY 2m repeater, what about HF? I'm in Central America if that changes anyone's answer.
crawler#976 said:There are a few 6M and a few 900 mhz nodes, but nothing in the HF bands.
1leglance said:take a look at the first post in this thread...
I would think the procedure would be the same for the nodes in isn't like there are spanish dtmf codes
or you could check those nodes by clicking on them to see if there is owner info like email and you can ask them specific questions...
irlp is really easy once you have tried it 1-2 times
we look forward to hearing a check in from ya