9/8/7 Offroaders Ham Net


Spamicus Eliminatus
Sorry for missing it guys! I was really hoping to join in but I was out with my wife... shopping... for plants... and food for dinner... :chowtime:


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Ok I fully admit I was overwhelmed with the number of check-ins on this net...
I know I should have been prepared but after 3 wks of Blake and I or maybe 1 other person like BlueFly & I talking I just wasn't ready to have a real life serious net :)
So before I post another net time I and going to start another thread on how to run and net and of course I am going to listen to some local ones and email/chat on the radio with some experienced hams to get a procedure down...
Thanks eveyone who checked in and it will get better from here I promise!


It was awesome being able to chat with you all. I too am new to ham radio so it was my first IRLP - really cool. I look forward to the next one.

KI6LQG (for now - soon to be K6DWB)


2006 Expedition Trophy Champion
Lance, I thought it went fine.

I listened to a net this morning and all they did was check in, take turns having everyone greet them, then someone would check out, everyone would take turns saying 'bye. It was lame. They didn't actually talk about anything.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Dang it, just realized it was yesterday. I read the date and thought it was Sunday! I will be home earlier from work today and was planning on trying to link it, darn the luck.


Expedition Leader
Wow! The net just kept getting larger! That's too cool!

I aplogize for my abrupt departure. We we're sitting up in an area of multi-million dollar homes with a fantastic veiw to the north, and great siginal to the IRLP node. I guess one of the residents didn't like us parked up there. We were asked to move on, and I didn't want to make a fuss about it with my wife in the truck. It isn't a gated community, so I figured the streets are public property...

I was going to add one thing to our discusion on tires. The MT/R's are a great off highway tire, not such a good commuter tire. They are noisy, generally take a fair amount of weight to balance, and aren't very round...

I'm willing to put up with that for the benifits they provide in dirt.



Sorry, I missed the net... I was able to get to the repeater but it didn't wont to link up... next time.

cruiser guy

Sorry I don't know enough about the ham stuff yet but do I need to have ANY 2m repeater, what about HF? I'm in Central America if that changes anyone's answer.

I hope to have the HF hooked up in the truck soon too but I haven't got that done yet the 2m is up though.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
go to irlp.net and click on node info on the left side
then go to node list in the center
Next click on country to sort by that
I looked for guat but nothing, so maybe 1 of the sites in mex is close enough
otherwise I might have to check on using echolink to get to a node
more research to follow

oh and cool to have your interest from wayyyy south


Expedition Leader
cruiser guy said:
Sorry I don't know enough about the ham stuff yet but do I need to have ANY 2m repeater, what about HF? I'm in Central America if that changes anyone's answer.

Unfortuantely there are no nodes in Guatemala. There are a few in Mexico, but after checking the list ( http://status.irlp.net/IRLPstatus.php?option=4 ), there aren't any in Central America.

I don't think HF will work - virtually all the nodes are either 2M or 70CM that are connected via the internet. There are a few 6M and a few 900 mhz nodes, but nothing in the HF bands.


cruiser guy

crawler#976 said:
There are a few 6M and a few 900 mhz nodes, but nothing in the HF bands.


6m will work too. The Icom 706MkIIG transmits and receives with that as well. If not then I guess I'll check in when I'm up north next summer.

OK, I took a look at irlp.net and there are nodes in San Cristobal de las Casas and in Tuxtla Guierrez. I'll likely be within receiving distance of those nodes this Saturday since I've got to go to Chiapas anyways (I may even be in San Cristobal). How would I go about connecting?
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2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
take a look at the first post in this thread...
I would think the procedure would be the same for the nodes in mexico...it isn't like there are spanish dtmf codes :)
or you could check those nodes by clicking on them to see if there is owner info like email and you can ask them specific questions...
irlp is really easy once you have tried it 1-2 times
we look forward to hearing a check in from ya


That's strange... Frogeye and I were both on sitting in our rigs for 20 minutes on Saturday at 2:00pm our time scrolling through the odd number Western Relector nodes and didn't find anyone talking. There were some folks on 9250 though (went there to see if we were transmitting ok). Anyway, we thought we got the wrong time so we tried again at 3:00pm our time and still nothing.

cruiser guy

1leglance said:
take a look at the first post in this thread...
I would think the procedure would be the same for the nodes in mexico...it isn't like there are spanish dtmf codes :)
or you could check those nodes by clicking on them to see if there is owner info like email and you can ask them specific questions...
irlp is really easy once you have tried it 1-2 times
we look forward to hearing a check in from ya

OK, I've read about connecting to repeaters and generating tones but how do I enter a node number? Do I need the laptop connected somehow or a mic with a numeric keypad?

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