97 F-350 CCLB build:


I see that. I've been studying for over a year about how I'd build a sleep area. I've tried several things out, other platforms and no platforms. This has a lot of potential. And I'd seen a pic of yours a while back. I liked it, and it helped me get in my head what I wanted.


So I guess I'm just one of those guys that loves to mess with his truck. I've always changed stuff around on any truck I've ever owned. My old F-350 is certainly no exception. As long as I've had it it's been a search to find the perfect balance between off-road camping Cadillac, and useful daily driver. I had my Jayco slide in. I really liked it, and miss it badly since I sold it. But, it never failed that if I wanted to go camping it wasn't in the truck, and if I needed the truck for something other than camping -the camper would be in it. Very frustrating. I think the best way to have justified the camper- it needs to be in a dedicated camping truck, or camp so often that it makes sense to leave the camper loaded a most of the time. Neither is happening for me. I work too much to camp as often as I would like. So I can't see keeping my best truck tied up most of the time, and along the same thought, I can't justify a third vehicle that is used only for camping. So I'm tackling using a topper to the best of my ability. I've posted some pics of my platform that I just made, and I've done a bit more in the last week or two since it's rained every other day, and farming isn't killing me as a result. I've tacked some carpet on the platform and got my (way to small) solar system hooked up. I also made a set of cross bars for carrying my bikes and kayaks. Figured I'd update to where I am to date......
You can see my charge controller under the bed rail in the front left corner, the battery is under a hinged door directly under the controller.
1"x2"x68" cross bars on 4" channel iron bases. They are fixed mounted, but I never moved my store bought Yakima bars and they had tracks. And these didn't cost $400 and are hella stout!
Here I have my rain gutter mounts on the cab. I have tons of options now for anything I want to mount over the truck. Gear baskets, bikes, yaks, boards, anything. I'm really happy with this compromise. I've already slept under the shell several times- for work, not fun. And it's worked well. As large as I am I still have plenty of room to move around. I've still got lots of small ideas to add, like an awning and home made road shower. I'll keep the pics coming. I wish I had something just super original and new. But I don't. You can find plenty of trucks on the portal set up similar.....but ain't none of them my truck. Keep it muddy people!
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Rot Box

Lookin' good. I hear ya on the slide in campers being a pain sometimes! I'm also going with a shell now.. so far so good.

I love the Dean Foods milk crate!! I use two of those in my rig as well. Perfect for storing all sorts of things :ylsmoke:


New member
I see we have similar trucks except yours is in a lot better shape. I bought mine from a farmer for $3500 and have spent a lot to get her back road worthy. Your truck looks great!!!!

Noticed you were talking about changing injectors. I Just installed "baby swamps" with swamp tunes last weekend. Feels like I added nitrous. Can't believe the difference it made. I dont tow heavy and would imagine I need a intercooler if I decided to.

Anyways keep up the good work.


Expedition Leader
Something else you can do for accessing stuff: Slide another sheet of plywood up under your platform. Screw a piece of 2x2 to the far end to keep stuff from sliding off, and put a rope handle at your tailgate end. Put all your under platform stuff on top of this and when you need it just grab the rope handle and pull. You can slide an amazing amount of weight in and out, with just a bit of care you don't tip it over the end of the tailgate. I ran this way for years in my dually so I didn't have to roll up the bed cover or crawl up under it.


I see we have similar trucks except yours is in a lot better shape. I bought mine from a farmer for $3500 and have spent a lot to get her back road worthy. Your truck looks great!!!!

Noticed you were talking about changing injectors. I Just installed "baby swamps" with swamp tunes last weekend. Feels like I added nitrous. Can't believe the difference it made. I dont tow heavy and would imagine I need a intercooler if I decided to.

Anyways keep up the good work.

Thanks for the compliment. I am wanting to do injectors, and am planning on baby swamps. I just haven't wanted to drop the money on them yet. Maybe later in the year....gotta see how my crops grow first.


Something else you can do for accessing stuff: Slide another sheet of plywood up under your platform. Screw a piece of 2x2 to the far end to keep stuff from sliding off, and put a rope handle at your tailgate end. Put all your under platform stuff on top of this and when you need it just grab the rope handle and pull. You can slide an amazing amount of weight in and out, with just a bit of care you don't tip it over the end of the tailgate. I ran this way for years in my dually so I didn't have to roll up the bed cover or crawl up under it.

That's nothing short of genius! I will definitely build something like that! Thanks!


Ok......so my job is really difficult sometimes. I am out all hours of the day and night. Especially the night. I am out usually 1 to three hours at a time for one aspect of my work. This is almost nightly, or at a minimum every other night. Now, I farm too....a lot. So I work 10-16 hour days all the time. Basically I'm one tired fella most of the time. When I'm out at night I can end up waiting for a large part of that one to three hours and find that sleeping/napping is very nice. That's why I'm loving on my sleeping platform. Sure, it's a great "camping" outfit- but I'm finding it REALLY handy to get some much needed rest on a regular basis. My question..... I got a heater buddy. It does a wonderful job of heating that small space. I keep it under the shell and several spare propane cylinders to keep it lit. You can see it in a pic or two I posted earlier in the thread. But, I'm scared of it. I read all the time about carbon monoxide poisoning from heaters. I do have a carbon monoxide detector screwed to the roof of the shell. Is that enough protection? I don't mind running it to warm the space up, and read. But I'm scared to sleep with it. I know the bed and cap setup isn't very tight. It is a truck bed after all. I can crack the windows on the shell, and I have a small 12 volt fan back there tied to my solar system. I tend to trust the crowd here. So how about it guys.....anybody use these things? Anybody ever sleep with one running? Any other heat sources that I can install that don't cost a fortune? Thanks in advance!


I have a heater body as well and was concerned about running it in such a small space too. Interested to see the opinions.


Any updates? Both of your trucks are two of my favorites.

No man. Not really. I've got the shell off right now on the diesel. I acquired a new horse- a Shire Thoroughbred cross- and I've been using the diesel to pull my horse trailer a good bit. I did put it on full synthetic Mobile One oil....I'm really happy with the performance. As for the 460 flatbed, I just run the crap out of it every day. I absolutely depend on that truck in such a big way. In a world of $60,000 dollar trucks I just laugh all the way to the bank as I continue to drive and beat the tee total h@*l out of that truck. It just keeps on going. I'm a HUGE fan of the 90's Fords. They were tanks. Simple to work on, cheap to repair. You can't beat that. I'm not taking away from the Chevy's and Dodges. They both had some awesome trucks. But for Ford, the 90's was hard to beat. I suspect the shell will be going back on the diesel soon. My crappy work starts back up soon. Some time around Labor Day it'll be back to the 24/7 10 month on call, no sleep, sleet, rain, sun, dry, you name it grind. Sleep will be scarce and free time will be something I only dream about. I'd sure like to do some up-grades to both trucks. Maybe injectors in the diesel, and some suspension mod's to the 460 truck....but we'll see. The crops aren't sold, and the cattle are still grazing and putting on pounds. The money isn't in the bank yet. Oh, and thanks for the compliment on liking my rigs!

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