Surly, Pappa. Thank You. Hind sight's twenty twenty, right? Knowing all that I know today I might not have bought the slide-in. My shell set up is pretty dang good. We've done 4 nights in a row a few times. Showering is the only issue- but that isn't hard to overcome. I guess I'm just struggling because I've already got the slide-in. I think having the bumper pull as a home base and at the same time have the shell prepped for staying in might be a good answer. I could travel to an area and get a camp site and in hook the bumper pull. Then if I see a trail that's no trailer or I want to go exploring over night I'd have that option. Hmmmm.....that looks good on paper- or iPad. A second option that is possible but not likely is to take the ole work truck with the gas engine and leave the slide-in in it all the time. I've been considering upgrading it to a dual wheel diesel with a flat bed. I seriously considered a engine swap- but it's not worth it for me. Right now I'd re-man or rebuild the 351 that at present is healthy. It's got 300k on it and won't sell for much- so I could keep it with the slide in for some closer weekend trips. Ahhh, red neck problems! Doubt I'll do that- it's just hard to have a truck to drive for every occasion. I've considered a structure to remove the slide-in. However, there's still the issues of the shell (that I really like having on the truck) and dealing with hand tools, cables, recovery equipment, etc to move around. As I re-read this entry it's looking like I may have already decided what to do. Granddaddy always said time takes care of everything. I may have to let a little more pass and I'll figure out what's best for me. In the meantime- thanks again guys.