'97 FZJ-80 1yr exped. prep advice

Atomic Dog!

Thanks I'm really excited, especially about working on the dig in May. My interrest in archeology was a major motivating factor in my decision to do this trip so it's really cool that I'll be able to participate. :jumping:

Plus, I like the idea of being able to test my setup and fine toon things a bit before I leave. I just got notified that Slee has shipped my rear bumper so I'll post a pic of that too when it is installed.



Adriana, it's looking really good! Congrats on the dig project. That is fantastic. Can you tell us more about what you will be working on? Or is it secret for now?

Did you ever decide on a jack?

Did you get the CD I sent?

Too many questions? :p

Atomic Dog!

Atomic Dog! said:

Plus, I like the idea of being able to test my setup and fine toon things a bit before I leave.


Man, was that the understatement of the year for me. Since I last posted I've had the heater valve break, a crank shaft seal leak and the latest and greatest heater core fail. All of this AFTER I paid for the head gasket/valve job and the installation of my electrical system accessories, (additional 12v outlets, inverter w/multiple 110v outlets, accessory switches, kill switch etc.) much of which had to be removed with the rest of the entire dash!!:eek:

My mechanic keeps saying it's better that these things are failing now before my trip, but I've decided that's not so. The repairs have caused my budget to shrink and I've not had an opportunity to find work like I'd planned because I've been without a car for so long. So I've decided to leave as soon as possible. I figure it'll be cheaper for me to fix my truck in Mexico than here and at least I'll have an adventure.

So I'm trying to get organized to leave in the next couple of weeks. It's hard to get prepped without having my truck available to start packing it but I've gathered most of my stuff together and will be organizing my documents for the border crossings and stuff.

I've also been working on a website so that people can track my progress. If you are interested here is the address: http://web.mac.com/atomicdogtraining/iWeb/AtomicDogAdventures/Welcome.html If you have any problems with the site please let me know. I've got time to fix it now, whereas I won't when I'm on the road.



Bad luck in getting all of the breakages. :(

I think that it is best for things to happen now. If my recollections are correct, Mexico has only recently had a Toyota presence and it might be hard to get parts.

I really like the web site. It seems to be functioning perfectly and its design is very much along my tastes.

In all honesty, you will have a lot of us enviously checking on your daily progress!:jumping: :smiley_drive:

Good luck and have a safe trip!

cruiser guy

rgsiii said:
If my recollections are correct, Mexico has only recently had a Toyota presence and it might be hard to get parts.

This is a REAL concern if you need parts. You may be advised to continue to Guatemala is it's your intention to find cheap labour to fix your truck. The FZJ80 was NOT officially imported to Mexico and is NOT common there. You'll find many more FZJ80's in Central America.

Personally though, I would not trust most third world mechanics. I KNOW that many backyard mechanics in the states and Canada are MUCH better equipped than those in the third world (I have a better range of tools in my toolbox than the shop that did the frame swap on my truck in Tegucigalpa Honduras last year!) and that DOES affect the job they do! If you're mechanically minded and watch over and help as they are working you may be OK. That is what I did last year and my truck is fine.

Atomic Dog!

I'm not too worried about Mexico. If I have a problem and can't find anyone local to fix it, the guy who did most of the work on my truck is there and i think if I were in a jam he'd help me out. He knows Toyotas, has one himself and used to be a mechanic at a dealership. Plus I have all kinds of family in Mexico, so there'll be a support system if things go badly.

Still waiting for my truck.. :( After I get it back i still have to fix the exhaust leak, I think it needs a new muffler, and get the windows tinted. God, it's never ending.



Atomic Dog! said:
Thanks I'm really excited, especially about working on the dig in May. My interrest in archeology was a major motivating factor in my decision to do this trip so it's really cool that I'll be able to participate. :jumping:


search for mamuth acheology sites in mexico,, they might be in your way


Adriana, i was reading on your site about Inanna having an ignition kill switch.,

is this for theft issues or for safety issues,, im kind of confuesed, a kill switch is used sometimes to kill the engine in case of emergencies or what not,
but keep in mind that your steering maybe wont work either,, so jsut checking what is it for? on your case

Atomic Dog!

Luis, The ignition kill switch is for theft.

Five days to my departure date. Its a self imposed deadline so I may or may not leave then but things are looking good I think. I've begun packing the truck and am starting to worry about space, of course.

I've reviewed this entire thread and am happy to say I've cheked off pretty much everything that many of you have suggested. My cooling system, heating system, head gasket/valve job, brakes etc. are all done. I sure hope the big breakages are done. The engine sounds and feels really good. I just can't think of what else could go wrong, I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I'm still gathering some spare parts and still have so much to do. I'm planning day and night but I think all is going well.


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