99 Grand Cherokee Adventure Rig


New member
Quick 10 min search yielded prices from $950-1500. Maybe better off having one made locally. That's without shipping also . For a thousand dollars I'd bet you could get exactly what your looking for in rad protection (damn deer...I know exactly what you mean).


Well, you cut a section of boxed sheetmetal, and replace it some steel plate. Yeah, I know. Second, the WJ is extremely rigid as far as unibody goes. Couple that with a Clayton(additional subframe).. Solid.

Additionally, the only mounts forward of the motor mounts, are the steering box, and track bar.

Any flexing in the unibody will happen between the axles. Not at the extreme front. And, I would argue that the member they build(and those that have made such a plate on their own), is stronger than small section of boxed sheetmetal.

Regarding the additional protection, yeah, I get it, and I agree.

Either way... I like ARB stuff, and there are a lot of other options out there. Some I like, some I don't. I don't think you can really go wrong with any of the available choices.



Since I am about to buy these plans, I'd thought I would share. Flatland4x4.com sells plans for front and rear bumpers for WJ's, ZJ's and XJ's. They have winch and non winch fronts. These are CAD drawings you can send to a metal cutter and weld them yourself or have them welded up. Several guys on here have one.



Expedition Leader
I looked at the HK Offroad bumper and I like it, but I would love to see the bull bar addition and radiator protection finished. I need a bumper that will protect against deer. We live in Iowa so all the states around us including Iowa all have deer problems. That and from what I have read you can get a ARB a bit cheaper than the HK Offroad.

I have actually hit 2 deer with the ARB bumper on my previous ZJ and it saved my bacon, this was while on a road trip and was driving through PA at the time, one went under the Jeep and the other went over the hood. Only damage was it bent my antenna and the passenger wiper blade.


As far as bumpers go. I'm really happy with the ARB. The LSR bumper was my first pick but it was not in production at the time. I believe they are building them again but the price is steep. Although it offers radiator protection.

You should just buy my jeep lol. Save you all the time and research :elkgrin:
I'd love too but dont have the cash. I like the LSR Incline but it dosent have any front end protection. With the ARB I can add radiator protection.


Expedition Leader
Well looks like the red devil has attacked my rockers. has anyone ever cut out the rockers and weld 2x6 tubular steel in its place? I have seen a couple posts else where of people cutting everything out and adding 2x6x1/4" steel in its place. Fixes the problem and adds instant sliders. Just wondering if any of the WJ guys have done anything like this before.

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