A Little Different M416 Trailer Build


Well-known member
mebe some angle under the mesh for better support.. Have you figured out your consumption rate? I have a 30# horizontal, after 4 days in April running the Wave + Propex all the time I only used ~25%, which would give me ~2 weeks in spring/fall which is what I was shooting for.. my trailer's pretty big to heat, that might be far more than you really need weight wise? Fill it up, go out for a torture test weekend and use as much LP as you possibly can, then come back and refill it and figure out how much you used.. you can also use a scale and figure it out yourself.

there is 11# vertical and 5# vertical which are rather short, and much lighter if they are more suited for your M416.. these can often be mounted really anywhere you can come up with so it can relieve alot of tongue weight.


Blissfully Lost
Been a while,
Was able to pick up the Tekonsha P3 brake controller and spent the day installing it.... Fits in place pretty well...
Tags are expired on the Jeep so next weekend smog it, register it and get it all prepped for a maiden voyage in the next few weeks...
Pretty excited for the first camping trip of the summer, so close.....


I think I need a bigger truck!
Those P3 controllers are the bomb. I had one in my Grand Cherokee and loved it. It is easy to set up and it is so far superior to all the cheapie ones out there. Good choice.
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I've had mine almost two years now and it's been great. Never thought I should have gotten something different.


Blissfully Lost
Finished some minor details today and was able to tow the trailer around with the Jeep today. Set up the brake controller, super simple.
I put the kayaks on top of the trailer to try and get an idea of how I am going to secure them when I travel with them.
The Jeep seems to sit fairly level with the trailer attached. I don't like the 7 pin plug setup, I am thinking of rebuilding my bumper so that the plug is flush and put the trailer receiver up higher, need to ponder the new bumper build...
I hope to get out in the next couple of weeks...
Ready to roll......


Blissfully Lost
Made the first real trip out of the garage to a campground in Coos Bay Oregon this last week.
It was a good trip to shake out any bugs and figure out what else we needed and if everything works as planned..
Had to purchase a few fittings for the propane to hook up the shower and stove as well as a few other do-dads...
All-in-all worked out great and towed perfectly...


Blissfully Lost
Thank you for the comments above...

Question - I want to run a line from the Jeep battery to the trailer battery since the 7 pin connector 'hot' line is not enough to charge and will only maintain the battery.
I am batting around the idea of using a battery isolator or just an inline fuse/breaker with a big relay.
The biggest question is the connection from the Jeep bumper to the trailer, anyone have a better idea than using an Anderson Connector?
It would just be nice to charge the battery while driving for times where the solar panel does not completely charge it.
Thanks ahead of time...


Blissfully Lost
So with some good usage out of the trailer now I have one complaint which is trying to retract the rack back down.
As for now my wife and I get at either end and pull down on the rack, and after a little wiggling it locks into the down position.

I am looking at a few options:
1) Some type of hand crank winch with a pulley system to bring it back down.
Cons: more crap to bolt on weld on, hard to keep a clean look.

2) Linear Actuators to replace the 4 gas structs.
Cons: To find a waterproof version (I live in the Pacific North West) of these is pretty expensive with the pounds and stroke that I need to match the struts.
Also to find a speed faster than a snails pace that also jacks up the price. The cheaper ones are rrreeaalllll ssssllloooowwwwwww and loud.
Not worried about the wiring, I can hide that.

3) Bring more people wheeling/camping so they can help pull it down for me.
Cons: That would cost too much in whiskey....

Anyone else have any better ideas? thank you ahead of time.......

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