Blissfully Lost
I will make tube fenders that resemble the GenRight fenders.
This might be a bit late for you, but I found this a while back and saved it to calculate what gas springs I would need for my lid when I get to it (hopefully next year)
Made a little more headway this weekend.
I welded on the spring mounts and then reinforced them so they will slide over obstacles a little easier...
Next up is welding on the spring perches to the axle....
Did you fab up your spring perches and mounts and if not, where did you purchase? going to run same tires on my 416 thats on my JKU and want to lift that way. Thanks
Nice what maker of the box
Is there a reason why you made the lid open on the left side? It seems like it would be better to have it open from the passenger side in case you pull off the side of the road you're not on the traffic side getting stuff out... Cool build, it's basically what I'm planning to do with mine.