A Mexican Adventure Expedition




Jim was excited about the iglesia.



Despite what you think. Real de 14 is extremely flat. It really reminds me of Louisiana.

Dinner time.

These two, from Austin, didnt know what they were in for when they said to sit with them. No passports or tourist visas.


Rubber side down... the right way to go down the hill.....


At the bottom of the mountain of Real de Catorce, is a small village. Actually, it is sporadic, but about 3-5 miles long, roughly following a riverbed. It was very narrow, and there were lots of kids... I was actually worried one might run infront of me so I went slow... Jim gave out more suckers.

People in the states would kill for this type of jeep.... and we saw several!


Jim adventure riding in Mexico...


I think he's enjoying it.:nod This is his 'muy fuerte' look.


Now we are down the hill. Off to the dessert, or desert, desert for dessert.



Nice write Up.

Real De Catorze: How was the peyote. I believe it is a main reason people go there for.. The peyote.
This is from the KLR guy....:sombrero:
PigTrail said:
Real de Catorce was a pretty cool place to spend New Years and a town I'd like to spend another day walking around in next time. The tunnel from the east side of town is over a mile long through the mountain and is the primary entrace to the town. Traffic is one way and the tunnel floor is slickr'n greased pig snot. I think Scott goosed his throttle in the tunnel and almost dropped his camera and more. His video should be pretty cool once it's compiled.

The architecture is Real de Catorce is pretty cool...


This guy rode in on the burro and as he hopped off he turned around and punched the burro in the face. It stumbled down the hill a bit before righting itself.


After our night of deep slumber interupted by M80's outside our window we took to the hills west of Real de Catorce in search of a steeper exit. Beautiful vistas...




Finally we headed back to the little town after realizing that the route we had planned to take was no more than a narrow goat path. The downhill route was more hand laid stone.


After descending a few 1000 feet we were back in the valley jumping speed bumps and followed the rail line north out of Estacion de Catorce before heading east.


Lots of prickly roadside diversions...

PigTrail said:
Now the route to Catorce from Galeana was all blacktop and much of it was VERY straight. Aiming for a more interesting return trip we scooted north about 20 miles on highway 57 and then turned east to cross the mountains by dirt. This was by far our best decision of the trip. Using our superb sense of direction and a little help from the E32 mapset we navigated out way north and northeast back to Galeana. This took the better part of 2 days as we were plauged by several wrong turns and a flat tire on Jim's beamer.

Road leading east from highway 57.


After a lunch stop on the hill we were ready for some more


Spent several hours negotiating our way through SMALL towns and wide open washes. A lot of it looked like this...


Unfortunately about 4pm Jim's tires picked up the first of 2 flats he had on the trip. Both were in the front, so we made short work of the tube switch. A calibrated trash-bag and stack of rocks comes in handy.


After fixing Jim's flat we rode for another hour before settling for camp in a valley all to ourselves. The ony thing we heard that night was a lonely coyote.

PigTrail said:
BTW Beef Stroganoff is my favorite freeze-dried meal. Mmmm good. Scott also whipped up some 2 year old freeze dried cheesecake. Surprisingly good.

The next day we broke camp, push started Jim's bike...those pesky BMW's are always having issues, and pushed on to find a route back to civilization. Traversing some routes that were clearly used for nothing more than hearding goats we made our way back to blacktop. Heading north for about 20 miles on the slap found us turning east yet again to find our dirt way back to Galeana. Luckily E32 and mother nature provided all the elements...



In Galena we picked up some lunch at a square-side stand and headed back out the DSDoubleDragon towards Mimbres.


Instead of turning east to loop back to Galeana we headed north out of Mimbres towards something something toro...I'll have to look that name up. Beautiful views for the next 30-40 miles.



Seems that some of the locals think highly of the northern neighbors...


We just came from that pass.

Not much was seen between the last picture and this picture, but we tried taking the desert tracks to San Vicente. We came, we saw, we turned around at the fence.
Jim wasnt enjoying the double track bulldust on his loaded down dakar.

Sooooo back to the Hwy. I wanted to avoid hwy today, and kind of showed my annoyance because I wanted to go towards San Vicente, taking a desert route. Whine whine, MMMMM MMMMM. The route we took, is probably better, but more pavement, maybe only 50 miles.

Richard covered our lunch spot pretty well.
He didnt cover the white rock road....
White rock road.... white dust.... white boogers


I dont know the name of this town, but everyone was extremely friendly and remember the fella on the caballo? If you notice the big mound behind Richard, the fella on the caballo was atop it when I pulled into the town, and he raced down behind us. He streeeeetched his hand to give shake ours.

Their directions to El Pequeno was to go down he road and take a right.


Yeh.... well that wasnt the right road..... Back to the town. Antes de la agua. Yep... this is the right road.


Oh, on the rong road back a couple pics. Full of sand. Deep washes. Jim lowered his tire pressure... we get going a little ways and while waiting for Richard to pee again, I noticed his front tire was a little low.... "Well, I did just lower it, We useta run 12psi in our tires." Me- Yeh, well yall didnt run on many rocks either....


Yep. He got a flat.

And in the desert.... you must find something to hold the bike up with... here was our solution. Of course Jim parked atleast 100ft from the 20lb rocks...



They nearly put the tire back on and started airing it up.... well, of course, I'm documenting the process. I ask if they made sure there wasnt anything stuck in the tire..... Its a damn good thing Scott was there to save the day again!



Bike pron



Reinstalling the tire.


Jim watering the desert plants.... We marked the location on the GPS. this time next year, we are going to go back to the same place to see if the vegetation has increased in size, color, and function.




More and and washes. Jim, come this way.



In some places, you hit the sand and it explodes. Watch the Dakar rally. Sand flies in front of you. Several instances, Richard and I hit the sand so hard that it plumed up in front of us and then hit our legs... pretty hard. First time for that to happen to me. I like desert for dessert.



I loved this stuff. Jim hated it. Of course, I hated the road up Cerro Potosi, Jim loved it. Richard stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night before both of these... so he was good.


Iglesia en el medio de nowhere.


Jim giving suckers to kids....


Kids running from Jim...

This is the sight where Richard's bike messed up a bit. He began noticing a lot of drag from his bike. So we stopped to check it out, sure enough the rear caliper locked up. Our guess was a rock. We unbolted the capliper, kicked it off took the pads off and opened the piston. Put back together, problem solved.

Someone told us not to camp in Mexico. We dont listen too good.

Beef Stroganoff for Richard. Red Beans and Rice for Jim. Steak and potato stew. 2year old cheesecake for dessert.


We shut our eyes with the yelps of a coyote on the surrounding hills.
Nice write Up.

Real De Catorze: How was the peyote. I believe it is a main reason people go there for.. The peyote.

I found a peyote necklace, that i liked but didnt buy. I dont know how readily available it is... plus I heard that its pretty disgusting. I took an anthropology class a couple semesters ago, and my professor did a study down in the area... he said you have a better chance of puking your brains out than getting high.


I found a peyote necklace, that i liked but didnt buy. I dont know how readily available it is... plus I heard that its pretty disgusting. I took an anthropology class a couple semesters ago, and my professor did a study down in the area... he said you have a better chance of puking your brains out than getting high.

Cool on the necklace. Well, I thought puking the brains out is a side effect of ALL hallucinogenics, essentially the body trying to get rid of the poison that it thinks the potion is. (not speaking from personal experience) So-either the professor puked his brains out then did his Jim Morrison imitation in the desert, or he only interviewed people, which is weak from a research perspective.

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