A rant worth reading....really!

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Some of you may know who David duChemin is, he's probably one of the best photography writers out there and his book [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321605020?ie=UTF8&tag=pixelat-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0321605020"]Within the Frame: The Photographic Vision[/ame], is one of the best photography books I've every had the pleasure of holding. He also owns a sweet Landrover.

One of David's latest blog posts really hit home for me. Give it a read and perhaps we can discuss.

The Link

Michael Slade

His attitude towards HDR and mine are exactly the same.

I agree with rant #2 also...but I am OK with being a bit of a snob and it's one of the things I warn my students about. I tell them that they will become more picky and more of a snob by taking my class. I am OK with both of those things.

#3? Yep. They are all tools. Chose yours accordingly.

matt s

Refreshing, his points are some of the main reasons I no longer participate much in the photo forums I used to get so much enjoyment from. Mediocrity and gear hounding became the norm.

I am guilty of both at times (particularly in the creative dept as opposed to technique), but needed to get away from places that allowed me to do it and even felt like they encouraged it.

On the other hand I too can be a snob, I try not to but it's there. The other no so good tendency is that I also become a green eyed monster when I see really good work. Instead of being happy for them, I tend to get mad at myself for not pushing myself that far. I feel like I'm in some unseen competition with them, poor guy or girl didn't even know we were adversaries ;-)

Sorry to ramble but the post got me thinking.

P.S. Not a HDR fan, not saying i never liked a HDR photo but if I did it was done well enough that I didn't know it was HDR.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
When we get serious about our art we’ll start looking for critics, not fans

I love that line. One of my pet peeves is when I post up a photo asking for critique and all you get is "Great shot, what kind of camera did you use?"

I'm not looking for compliments, I'm asking how to better my work.

There is no better. In fact, you know what’s better? Art. Expression

I like that one a lot!


2 thumbs up. I get the gist

Choose your tools, enjoy them, then make something amazing

and, for better or worse, for some people, this does include the 15 layer HDR sandwich.

Ultimately it's art for art's sake.


I just realized I have his book Vision and Voice that I picked up last year and loved his more holistic approach to editing.
Made me look at Lightroom quite differently.


HDR certainly generates a lot of discussion, both pro and con. I have secret suspicion that most of the negative views are those of photographers. Many of the lay viewers seem to love HDR images, both good, and even some of the bad ones. They look like cartoons.

I think those of us who grew up with film, tend to expect the film style tonalities our eyes grew up with.

While the online world prattles about the pros and cons of HDR, ( and what exactly an HDR image is ?? ) HDR like images are taking over in the printed world, and on screen.

Just look through your color newspaper images in USA Today, or Time magazine, or even National Geographic, and carefully evaluate each image for detail in highlights, mid tones, and shadows, and you will find a large number of HDR-like images - Not necessarily multi frame tripod based shots, but perhaps multi processed Smart Objects in RAW, or via Ludicrous Pro, or Topaz Adjust, or other software. I do see them everywhere in print, (and do not post them online out of respect for copyright issues) and I am certain if you look you will too.

Most of the published HDR images are not garishly haloed, and calling outright attention to their differentness, but their detail in deep shadow and highlights are not typical single frame film images, and certainly not the images we used to see from Kodachrome with its deep, dark shadows, as seen in "Bound for Glory"

Trey Ratcliffe's HDRs are not everyones cup of tea, perhaps, but certainly are very popular with viewers. Scroll down and check out his shot of the Chocolate shop.

As for tool fetishists, people do not ask a great sculptor what hammer and chisels he used to create his statue, they look at the creation he has rendered.

The tools are only incidental. I like nice tools as much as the next guy, but one quickly learns that it is not the tools, but what you do with them that counts.

My galleries contain images shot with everything from 35m point and shoot film cameras from the 70s and 80s, to current pro level DSLRs, and I know most viewers cannot tell which is which, without checking the EXIF data. That means I have some lousy images shot with first rate cameras too - that will help keep one humble:bike_rider:


New member
Thanks for the shout-out. I'm also a member of this forum, though a newbie. A photographer and traveler for much of my life but the overlanding life is new to me and what a steep learning curve. Nice to see my blog and some of my ramblings getting traction. Just take what I wrote there with a grain of salt, I think I was on heavy pain meds at the time. Almost a month ago I fell 30 ft off a wall in Pisa, Italy, sustained multiple fractures in both ankles, a cracked pelvis and various soft-tissue injuries. I'll be in hospital a few months more as I recover.

Anyways, thanks. This forum is one of the places I plan to spend some time as my 93 Defender waits for me to return to Atlanta to pick her up and resume my year-long, round the continent introduction to overlanding.

David duChemin

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
I remember reading about your fall! Dang, that had to put a damper on the trip!

Hope the recovery is speedy and everything heels up nicely.

You're only a short days drive from me in Cedar Key Florida, once you get all healed up, bring that Defender down for a visit and we can go out shooting together.

I dont care if you use your iPhone, the Medium format or a DSLR, as long as we're shooting at something from a boat, it'll be a good topic to talk about at the tiki bar that night over cold beers :victory:


I feel like a pupil caught by the teacher, as I commented about your rant about HDR et al. (I hesitate to mention that I do own three of your books, and have found them inspiring. )

But then I read back further through your blog, and realized the misfortune you have lived through recently. I hope you recover quickly, and as painlessly as possible. Those are nasty looking X rays.

I also read your favorable comments about MedJet, and will sign my wife and I up before the week is out. I will use your click through. I had been thinking about this before ( my spouse and I are to go overseas this fall), and now I know it is the right decision.

Once again I want to wish you a speedy and complete recovery.

We might even pass each other in Iceland, as it is on my list for next year.

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