Yesterday we drove to Charlottetown on the east end of the island. Since it poured all morning (and actually all day), I thought that maybe a day in town was due. I posted some stuff from Starbucks but my Picasa account quit working so I couldn't access my photos. Then it worked, but this site wouldn't cooperate (I've still got some photos I want to post). Anyhow, I gave up and went to explore the town. I found myself on a dead end street, and had to unhook the Jeep, get everything turned around, rehooked up, and we were off again (all in the rain). I got lost, pulled into a shopping center for directions, and got hasseled by an (80) year old woman. She pulled right up to the front of my truck and began honking. I was blocking the travel lane, and even though there were numerous exits, she only wanted to go out the one I was blocking. I swear she honked her horn for (5) minutes. Somehow I think she knew I hadn't completely recovered from my surgery, and that I was easy game. Finally a woman in the lot convinced her to move to the side, and let me by (I can't back up). Well, that was it for me. I left town, and last night we crossed the Confederation Bridge back into New Brunswick. Today we'll enter Nova Scotia and probaly head south (if not, we'll head north !).