Yesterday's hike kicked our butts and we knew we had a pretty good climb planned for today, so we returned to the pond for a second night. Dinner, a little reading, and we were done for the evening.
Up early this morning (as usual) and made our way to the trailhead to climb Gros Morne Mountain (806 meters). The trail was beautiful, my pictures do it no justice once again.
We reached the summit just as the rain clouds were moving in. We didn't stay there long as it was cold and windy.
After the summit, we continued on the loop trail and the views were great.
We were back at the rig in just over (4) hours, covering (10) miles today. I think we're both finished with hiking for a few days now. Yukon is currently sacked out in the truck.
We're headed north this afternoon and will leave the park shortly. Our goal now is to make it to the northern most point of New Foundland. This is where the Vikings first landed over 1,000 years ago. I can't wait. Hope you all enjoy reading.......surprisingly to me, I enjoy posting this stuff.:Wow1: