Add one more Cherokee...

I'm thinking about selling this thing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and I love it, but I'm finding myself drooling over the 80 series LC recently. I'm not necessarily putting it up for sale just yet, but if someone wanted it bad enough to make me an offer I couldn't refuse, well... :ylsmoke:

S Gilbert


You have built almost exactly what I have in mind, with the exception of a snorkel. Thanks for sharing.


New member
Well make sure you budget enough for extra fuel costs for the LC. They have to be one the coolest vehicles ever made, but on the gassers the fuel mileage is abysmal. My 6.0 2500 gets better mpg, and if fuel costs go the way they are predicting this summer...


New member
I wouldn't

Love your new post. I'm glad to see you haven't sold it yet. I can't count how many times I've seen a Cherokee that was sold in someones signature and they wished they didn't. When I finally chose the Cherokee as my build platform everything seemed like it was twice the cost or more with the 80 series. From the vehicle itself to armor and lifts. I guess it really came down to what I felt like I'd be happy with for the least amount of money post build. Plus I had to have a manual:smiley_drive: Maybe you can find a LC already built for a good deal but that's half the fun. With the money I saved I can finally justify the cost of a used dual sport. I plan on using the Cherokee as a base camp and a WRR for 60+ MPG fun and to scout trails and camp sights.
I'm in the middle of replacing the oil pressure sending unit, and before I plug the new one in, I noticed there is some residual oil in the female connector. Should I intervene and try to clean out that oil or does it matter? Would hate to have buy another one just because I didn't clean it.

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