Added Exterior Side lights...


Interesting mounting them to towards the rear of the vehicle.

A lot of OTR busses have them mounted towards the front of the bus. They are activated when the bus is in Reverese, and when the turn signals are activated the appropriate light turns on. Similar lights are mounted on Sno-cats. IMO their always seems to be a dim area between where headlights and the front doors that could use some illumination.

Other ideas;

Docking Lights:


Metal Twister

Highly Motivated
So, wait, I'm confused. Are these while you're driving? Or more like the lights when setting up camp and such.

Uh, well, ok. I certainly added enough lights to my truck. Nicely done - it does look factory. If they are going to be aux lights for camp set up and such, maybe adding another up higher?

Yes these are for driving off road. The main goal is to see whats off the ledge while backing in the pitch black desert. While they look low they actually are mounted at abouit 35inches off the ground. I also have some side lights up from that serves the same purpose.




Yes these are for driving off road. The main goal is to see whats off the ledge while backing in the pitch black desert. While they look low they actually are mounted at abouit 35inches off the ground. I also have some side lights up from that serves the same purpose.

Oh,well, no one wants to drive off a cliff. I have a pair on the back of my truck that are angled to the side for a similar reason... ok, it's really for not hitting my wife's car or something, but I'd rather jump off a cliff if I did that. I like how you man'd up and just drilled into your body to mount them.

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