Adventure-Type Tailer Toy Hauler yet?


Hey all. Is anyone making an adventure worthy trailer that doubles as a toy hauler? Haven't seen one, but doesn't mean there's not one out there. Right now considering getting a cargo trailer with a drop ramp and modifying it accordingly. Would like to carry a number of bikes and get those dang kids out of our truck camper in the evenings. Okay, the truck camper is getting more and more crowded as the kids grow, so that's the reason. Problem I'm finding is the cargo trailers are too low and the highboys (snowmobile trailers) are too high and tippy. Thanks.


Walmart Adventure Camper
Featherweight can custom about build anything. Very expensive aluminum construction.

The best Expo type would be their super strong horse trailer rear with front living quarters. They also make toy hauler with living quarters.

To bad you live way out west. I have a nice rear ramp "Classic" 19 foot cargo V nose, high ceiling, LT tires with fold down beds that I'd let go for a nice price.

Used it for exactly the way you posted.

It's in Wisconsin :( ... I'd load it up with 3 dirt bikes, ATK bike shoes and all my other dirt bike gear.
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McZippie, you've given me a great idea. See, the succubus has a couple of horses. She's always complaining about the horse trailer I bought her. Soooo, one of those featherlite bumper pull horse trailers with a dressing room just make make everyone happy. I'd definitely get my money's worth from my pressure washer if I multi-tasked a horse trailer like that, but hummmm.


... and get those dang kids out of our truck camper in the evenings.

If that's your only problem then just kick them out! :p My parents had a small trailer when I was a kid but the only time I was allowed in there was if it was raining or we were eating in there. Otherwise I had my tent and a forest to explore. After dark I was in charge of the fire and we'd play cards and such.


If you can consider a tent trailer, you might want to look at Haultent:

These trailers are stout. They are a gear-hauler first and living space second. I've seen them up close and spoken with the guy who builds them. He designed the thing to carry two ATVs on top. That much weight up high makes me a bit nervous, but bikes would be no issue.


We have been considering putting a roof rack on the Goony Bird to haul our bikes and Kayaks (when we get them).
That little spring over pop-up tent trailer has covered a lot of miles of dirt roads. It's no Adventure Trailer or Kimberly but the cost was in our reach. Between something like that and a truck camper you and your so might get few minutes peace. Just put the kids in the pop-up and give them an FSR radio for emergency use. Stress emergency;)


Expedition Leader
ive been thinking the same thing about a cargo trailer conversion. my problem is the same as yours, when your get the high ceiling the thing gets tall really fast especially if you want to put bigger tires etc on it.

so ive been thining about making a pop up cargo/sleeper of sorts. the same hardsided idea as here be dragons trailer. its pretty simple except for the doors... that way it could collapse to 4.5' tall when closed and the bikes still fit and expand to 6.5' open so i can walk inside.


I forget the dimensions, but it is pretty tall. It only weights 1900 pounds do the JK does fine. A 6 foot 2 guy has no problem standing in it. The bed fold out the side and we made a insulated liner for the tent. Stays warm off a small heater down to 15 degrees out. Only thing I worry about is heavy snow on the tent.

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