Wish I could, even debated going to the doctor to try to get a doctors note allowing the tint for my migraines. But the van has a rebuilt title and a sticker on the windshield that can’t be removed because of it.While you are tinting the windows you might want to look into tinting the windshield as well (not legal in most states i know but well worth it). I did the wife mobile in the lightest possible as well as front windows and made a nice difference even though NOT legal in CA. No one noticed as back and rears were tinted too and darker than fronts and windshield.
Put together a cost spread sheet would be great. We've been considering this route as well and seeing a "real cost" would be nice.
Looking good.
Ceiling is carpeted and storage areas built front and rear. Solar and battery are wired in, starting to wire the lighting and fans.
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