Front Axle Rebuild vs. Gabe
So, this should have been my first clue that someone WAY dumber than me had worked on this car before...
Then I found these...
Half of the cone washers were missing and all but 1 of the nuts were stripped. Some of the studs were gone and replaced with bolts. There wasn't much holding the drive plates in place. Need to order all new studs, cone washers, and nuts.
The wheel bearing preload nuts were trashed, like someone used a screwdriver and 5lb sledge to work on them last. The lock washers were both broken in two pieces, just floating around in there. The thrust washer key was sheared off and they look like they were spinning with the bearing. Thankfully the spindles look ok, it doesn't appear that the inner races were spinning on the spindle.
Opened up the birfs, they look like someone had injected fresh grease in through the top. The housing was packed with pretty clean grease, but the inside of the birf cage was dry and nasty.
The felt wiper looked ok...
Axle seals don't look like they were changed any time recently...
Now I just have to clean everything up, wait for some more parts to show up, and then bolt it all back together. This is definitely incentive to go through the rest of the truck with a fine tooth comb. Hope the AckJass that worked on the wheel bearings didn't work on to many other parts of the truck.
It's nice to have good help when tackling the big jobs :victory:
Back to work,